Chapter 9: Pack Up

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Ava woke up in her bed.

"Oh she's awake." Said a mans voice.

Hm. A man shouldn't be in my room... Ava thought. She panicked.

Suddenly everything hit her. She remembered Lin and Jon, and being asked to sit down. It excited her so much she passed out.

"Happens a lot. She's quite the kid." Said Sister Gertrude.

"We'll keep that in mind." Jon said.

"No problem." Lin said.

"Well, let her rest. Come by tomorrow again." Sister Gertrude said.

"Ok. Bye, Sister." Lin said and exited my room. Groff left too.

"Noo..." Ava said sleepily.

"Shh my child." Sister Gertrude said. "Go back to sleep. You are weak."

Ava did as she was told.


When Ava woke up, she was alone. She looked at her clock and saw 9 AM. She got up and saw she was still dressed the same as yesterday in her light blue jeans and NASA hoodie.

A note was on her table. It said "meet me downstairs in the adoption room. Sister Gertrude" on it.

She went downstairs and saw her friends eating breakfast and took extra caution to make sure they wouldn't notice her and ask her a BILLIOOON questions. Ugh.

Sister Gertrude sat at the desk in the room doing nothing. Just staring at Ava.

"I've been waiting." Said Sister Gertrude.

"Sorry." Ava said.

"It's fine."

"Ok. Why do you want me here?"

"Pack up." Sister Gertrude said.

"Why?" Ava said.

Sister Gertrude raised an eyebrow.

"No... no way... You don't mean..."

"Oh I Do mean what you think I mean." Sister Gertrude pulled up a paper.

An adoption paper.

Signed by Lin and Groff.

"Oh my god..." Ava said.

"Yes." Sister Gertrude said smiling.

"I have their AUTOGRAPHS!!!"

Sister Gertrude whacked Ava on the head with a rolled up newspaper.

"No! You're being adopted! Now go pack up! They're picking you up at 4 today!"

Ava shouted "YES!" and ran back up to her room. Donna saw her.


Ava ran quicker and locked herself inside. Ava ignored the banging on her door.


A/N 0.0 Omg.. Its hppening its happenign oh my god itshapoenign

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