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I had checked in and was waiting on a chair in the waiting room. Tom came in also but we hadn't said a word to each other but sat next to each other in the waiting room. I scrolled on my phone and so did he minding our own business.
"Aurora Downey" a nurse said through a door and I got up grabbing my bag. I didn't even turn to see if Tom was following me I just ignored him.
I walked in and got situated in a room "a nurse will be with you shortly" the lady smiled and left. Leaving Tom and I in a room of silence. Tension you could cut with a knife.
"Do you wanna talk about it" Tom said with a sigh after the silence was physically painful
"Nope" I realize how childish I was being but I was still upset about this.
"Aurora" Tom bluntly said rolling his eyes
"Don't Aurora me" I glared at him, the first time I had looked at him.
"What do you mean don't Aurora you? What else am I supposed to say, carrot?"
"Wow so hilarious want a award?"
"Aurora I don't like fighting with you"
"Well that sucks, should've thought about that before you started a fight"
"I started the fight?"
"Yes you did" I told him "after this can you drop me off at my moms, I'm just gonna stay there for the night"
Tom scrunched his face "Aurora you're coming home tonight I'm not gonna drop you off at your parents? We're gonna fix this in the next 20 minutes cause you're just over reacting"
"No I'm not, yes you are, and no we're not solving this in the next 20 minutes. I'm mad you're mad, why should we stay together if it's just going to create more tension. Now like I said, on the way home you're gonna drop me off at my parents and I'll come home tomorrow"
"Aurora please just come home tonight" he seemed worried about me not being there, and as much as it hurt to see him like that and how much I wanted to be with him we couldn't. Something would be said and we have to be apart.
"Tom I cant. Not tonight" the door opened and the doctor walked in. He was gonna say something but he sat there obviously hurt.
"Hello, mr and Mrs holland?" The doctor said and I frowned
"Uh no, Aurora Downey" I smiled as I shook her hand. She wrote something on her paper and then turned to Tom
"Holland?" She pointed to him
"Yes, Tom Holland" he smiled as he shook her hand.
"Wow so many celebrities in one room" she smiled as she filled the paper out. "Okay so...which one of you is pregnant?" She laughed as she began putting gloves on.
"Soooo...were gonna do blood work, a pee test, and then a finger prick"
The appointment went exactly how she said it would and when I finished the finger prick she gave me a band aid and Paper work to sign
        "Doctor manev Is not currently in the office but wants to chat with the two of you about something important but not a serious concern right now" she said as Tom and I stood up to leave.
"Ok I'll call to make an appointment?" I smiled as I stuck my hand out for her to shake it.
"Yes of course" she smiled and shook my hand. Tom did his goodbye and we walked out. We didn't say anything till we got to the car.
       "Are you done being mad" he said as I buckled my seat belt
       "Hmm lemme think...." I rolled my eyes since the way he said that was mean "nope"
       "Cmon Aurora"
       "Tom I said take me to my parents house and that's that. I'm not fighting with you about this thing too. I just need to be home tonight"
       "Oh so our place isn't a home to you because we got into one fight" Tom began to drive
       "That's Not what I meant Tom. But I mean I have only lived there...not long and it's hard to consider a small apartment a home"
        "You said it was perfect!" He began raising his voice
       "Yes Tom....perfect for US. Not for a baby. There are so many places that the baby could get hurt or cut itself"
        "Then we'll move god damnit" he yelled and slammed his Hand on the steering wheel making me jump. Then there was a beep coming from my heart monitor. Tom has never made my heart monitor beep, he always makes it stop. I stared at it beeping and then slowly shut it off. I took a deep breathe and stared straight ahead. "Baby I'm sor-" he went to grab my hand but I moved away
         "Please don't touch me" I told him not looking at him "take me to my parents"

RDJ'S Daughter: The Sequel //Tom Holland Fan Fic\\Where stories live. Discover now