The Boy and His Tower

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- A/N - I know I'm heartily late on this, but the talks to cancel PAW Patrol over the 1312 movements I don't think will go anywhere, It's ridiculous. Anyway, more than a year since you guys have heard from Rocky and Conor, and we introduce some other familiar faces in this story finally! Hope y'all enjoy it. The next update will come on my HS Story, which is pending a rebrand. 

- Conor's POV - 
I woke up far before Rocky and was just pacing the area until I realized, well here we are sitting next to the "Welcome to Adventure Bay" Sign, but I have no clue where this Ryder and his "Paw Patrol" is in the town. I also realized I had never even asked Rocky if it was a life he wanted to live. What kind of person am I? I heard him stir in our makeshift shelter.

"Hey, Rocks?" 


"I never even asked you if you would be OK living with Ryder and his Other pups, helping the people of this town?"

He popped his head out of his tent and sat next to me, it was still really early. "I mean part of what we would do is stop people like your dad, and help people, not like your dad, and we'd have a home, It's the most perfect thing for us. As long as your there, I'd do anything..." 

"Well, we might as well go find him, the sooner we get there the better, I said, and he agreed. I asked if he'd rather me carry him, as to avoid his pain in his leg, but he declined on the basis he would need to learn how to use it in this state.

- Mayor Goodway's POV - 
Adventure Bay. What a great place to live, and a better place to essentially run. However, days can sometimes get a little tedious in such a small town. Today was one of those days until a call came over to the phone on my desk. "Mayor, we have a boy and a pup out here asking for you." 

"Send them back." I had nothing better to do except talk to the people of Adventure Bay, I assumed Ryder was on his way back. The town had just invested a good portion of money into his idea of a first responder team of dogs, using state-of-the-art tech, lead by himself. So far they'd made it well worth it, and we were trying to make plans of expansion, as right now they only had a law enforcer, firefighter, and air support. 

I was extremely surprised when a raggedy looking blonde teen, no older than 16 walked in with a gray pup. I noticed immediately his lack of shoes, and the odor that came from them both was simply appalling. We went through the formalities of introduction, the teen said they had come from Boston, which is just about as far from Adventure Bay as you can get.

"We came looking for a certain... "PAW Patrol?" The boy, named Conor stated. "We were hoping that Rocky here may be able to join, and we can both lead better lives than we had in Boston." I was almost in shock, Ryder had called less than 24 hours ago, and had asked for another pup, and maybe another person to help him with leading and conducting rescues. The opportunity had fallen straight into his lap. I offered to take them to the Lookout, where the Paw Patrol headed their operations. 

- Chase's POV -
Marshall, Skye, and I, that's all it's ever been. Ryder's been mentioning adding new members to the team, but I don't think we need them. We were having a quiet day, when suddenly a car, that I recognized as Mayor Goodway's, they pulled up to the large front glass doors, and a blonde-haired boy emerged, carrying a pu- WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THAT?? It's not a breed I've ever seen before. I already hate it. I've got a funny feeling it's not a purebred like us. I mean, in all technicality neither is Skye, but Cockapoos have been around so long they might as well count as their own breed. This isn't OK with me, I hope this isn't going where I think it is. If that... thing joins us I'll definitely have something to say about it. "Hey, Chase can you stop gawking and come back to our game?" Marshall asked. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming."

- Rocky's POV - 
The tower was EXTREMELY impressive and inside sat a boy who was waiting for us, he took us to a nicely furnished lobby, where the other two sat down, Conor didn't however, and when Ryder asked if something was wrong, he responded: "No, I just don't want to dirty up your chairs haha, we haven't showered for like 84 days now." He tried to lighten the mood that had surrounded us since we arrived at the little town. 

"Well, I haven't caught your names yet, mind filling me in on your trip?"  The younger boy asked.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Conor, and this here is Rocky, he's been pretty quiet today, I think he's hesitant around new people." He wasn't wrong, I had hardly opened my mouth since we arrived in the town hall. And I was extremely nervous with these new people, who in our weakened condition, could easily do away with either of us. 

Conor quickly went through the reasons for our little escapade, and then he got to our Vegas incident and notably became a little less sure of himself. "W-well we made it out to V-vegas, and some guy stomped on R-rocky's leg pretty well. A-a-a vet in Carson City said the damage will most l-likely be permanent. We think he will still be able to be p-pretty mobile though, it just might take some time."

A silence ensued, and while I was calmer than what I probably should've been, I can tell Conor understood that Ryder's next words essentially would determine our fate for possibly the rest of our lives. He was visibly shaking. If Ryder didn't want to wait out my leg, he could turn us right back out to the street. He sighed. "I'm sorry you guys went through that, I really am, and I think we could definitely use you guys, We have a great caretaker/vet here, we could get a good estimate on that leg, and until it gets better and Rocky can go with us on missions we could easily get started on the process on adding you guys to the team!" 

"That's Great, Thanks So Much!" Conor looked the happiest I'd ever seen him. I was also overjoyed, but I didn't let it show. "Let's go outside so we can get some things finalized." 

- Conor's POV - 

I put Rocky down, so I could sign a couple of things when I heard a yelp I've heard many times before, I immediately saw what was going on, and jumped out of my seat.

"WOAH WAIT, WAIT" I yelled at the boy, before standing in between him and Rocky. "What, I was just gonna hose him off a little," Ryder stated. "Yeah, I know but part of the abuse Rocky suffered was being held underwater to drown, he is traumatized of water, You didn't know, but now you do." I tried to diffuse the situation. "How are we supposed to clean him then?" Ryder asked, obviously a little bit peeved. "I'll handle it, let's just get this filled out and get down to that clinic, shall we?" I looked at Rocky, whimpering still. "Hey, it's alright, he didn't mean harm, we can trust him."  I picked him up and carried him back over to where I was sitting moments earlier. I finished the paperwork, and Ryder found some new clothes for me, and we headed down to Katie's (Ryder had given me her name) clinic. 

I knew that Rocky and I weren't totally out of the woods yet, a poor diagnosis from Katie and we could easily still end up back out on the streets, but all I could do was hope. 

- A/N - 

It's looking good for our two travelers, but it's not over yet. And Chase, man talk about "Racism" how about it. He has something to say but what is it? Will he do anything? Will Ryder Listen if he does?

In case you need it, Love you guys. Stay safe and Strong!


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