Hikaru's Ending

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3rd pov:

It has been a little over a week, and (Y/N) had finally gone back home to live with his family once again after a year that he can't remember, I wasn't as bad as (Y/N) had thought it would be, nothing had really changed back in the apartment and his room was like it was when he left, organized and relaxing.

Haruhi and the host club had come by every day to talk and make the wait of returning home more bearable, in that time (Y/N) had talked a lot together with Hikaru and had grown a huge little crush on him. Tamaki had (Y/N) enrolled into Ouran Academy after hearing how (Y/N) didn't want to leave his sister, besides he was really hoping to get him to join the host club.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean I haven't been in school for over a year" (Y/N) said very nervous, while fixing his tie for the eighteens time that morning.

"Don't worry, you will be fine," Haruhi said as she took his hand and walked outside "besides you were the smarts person on the whole school, there's no doubt you will do great"

Time Skip

Haruhi and (Y/N) was walking down the hall of Ouran on their way to class as the twins come running to them from behind, Kaoru wrapped his arm around Haruhi while Hikaru wrapped his around (Y/N), making him blush a tiny bit pink.

"(Y/N) aren't you just excited, you are in our class," Kaoru asked.

"y-yeah" (Y/N) said a little shaky.

"Don't worry, it'll be fun!" Hikaru said putting his head on top of (Y/N).

They walked into the classroom and stood in the front waiting for the teacher, the teacher came around 10 minutes later looking confused at the four males in the front.

"How may I help you?" the teacher asked the group.

"This is (Y/N) Fujioka, he will be your new student," Kaoru said.

"Right, I just heard of it, never thought Haruhi would have a twin but you two look quite a like," the teacher said putting her stuff on the table "you can take a seat in front of Hikaru"

(Y/N) nodded and follow his sister and the twins down to their seats, took his seat in front of Hikaru and the class soon started.

Time Skip

(Y/N) pov:

"So you are really not a girl?" a browned hair girl asked me.

"N-No, I'm male," I said nervously "why does everyone ask me that?"

"It's just you look so much like a girl and the hair just helps that theory," a blond girl said.

"I-I just l-like to have a l-little longer hair than most m-males," I said shaking, then I felt a hand land on my shoulder, I turn my head and saw Haruhi smiling, which always makes me calm.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault, you are just too cute" Haruhi said, I just nodded, knowing she was right.

"But they are right he does look like a girl" I heard the twins said.

"Yeah, it's a shame he is not a girl," Kaoru said.

"You know what? I don't really mind after all he is a cutie" Hikaru said as he took a hold of my chin, making me face him.

"C-Could you p-please s-stop it?" I asked with a shaking voice and a huge blush on my cheeks because of how close he was.

"How could I possibly stop, I just want to take you home and not let you go," Hikaru said pulling me closer by the waist.

I couldn't take it anymore, I quickly pushed Hikaru away from me and ran out of the music room, clearly hearing both Haruhi and Hikaru calling after me but I just ran.

When I finally looked up I was beside the fountain and I could feel my heart hurt from both not being used to running but also the knowledge the Hikaru just said stuff that makes me so happy and knowing he is just saying it because of the customers.

My eyes started to become blurry and I started to sniff, I couldn't take it, I started to rub my eyes and try to be as quiet as possible, I then felt arms around me, it was so welcoming and warm.

"Shh, why did you run away?" I heard Hikaru ask, I could hear that he was worried "why are you crying?"

"I-I" I couldn't speak, my throat hurt, was I ready to tell him? "it hurts, it hurts knowing that you will never like me the way I like you, that you just make jokes about it, it hurts"

I cried into his chest, gripping onto his jacket like there was no tomorrow.

"(Y/N) please calm down, I want you to listen carefully," Hikaru said in a calming voice.

I calmed down into a sob and then into just shaking breaths, I could feel Hikaru taking a soft hold on my shoulders, pushing me back so he could see my face, I know my eyes are very red from my crying and in a way I didn't want him to see me like this but I choose to just stand still letting him do as he pleased.

"Please look at me" I did as he said and lifted my head so I could look at his eyes" (Y/N) I'm going to tell you something and please don't say anything until I'm done, okay?"

I slowly nodded and he gave me a smile.

"(Y/N) I would never joke about your feelings but I'm so happy to know that you like me back, and I would be even happier if you would agree to be my cute little boyfriend," Hikaru said making me speechless.

So I did the only thing I could think of, I kissed him. I could feel his arms tighten around my middle and I lifted my arms from his chest to his shoulder and behind his head. It was a feeling I didn't ever want to lose, I didn't want to lose the warmth of Hikaru against me, we separated when we could no longer breathe.

"I will take that as a yes, and don't worry every day I will make sure you don't regret this dissection not now and not ever," Hikaru said as I relaxed into his embrace.

Time Skip

"Ai be careful, you shouldn't run in the house," I said reaching out to my daughter, while lightly bring hold by my other hand.

"You shouldn't worry so much, she will be just fine," Hikaru said pulling me closer to him.

"Yes, papa I'll be fine!" Ai said with a big smile before continuing on her way.

"I just want to make sure she's o- "I said before I hear a bump and turned my head to see Ai on the floor" oh no Ai!"

I quickly ran over to her and picked her up seen that she had scraped her knee and little tears in her eyes.

"Oh sweetie it's alright, I know it hurts, Shh" I hugged her closely as we walked down to the kitchen, Hikaru following us closely, I easily clean the scrap and put on a band-aid and placed a kiss on it "there all better"

"You know, every time you do something like this, it makes me want to get another" Hikaru said wrapping his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Are you talking about a baby daddy? Because if you are, I really want a baby brother" Ai said holding onto my shirt with a super happy look on her face.

"Ai why do you want a brother and not a sister?" I asked

"Because my friend Kana told me that when her little sister was born, her sister got all the attention and all the cute things, so instead I want a brother because then he can play games with daddy and you can play with me" Ai said bouncing in my arms.

"See if she wants a brother why don't we get started looking for one?" Hikaru said rolling his hands up and down my sides.

"Hikaru!" I said putting Ai back on the floor.

"You still make the cutest noises, even after all the years, we have been married," Hikaru said kissing my cheek.

"And all these years you have proven that you really love me, so thank you," I said turning in his arms and kissing his lips "and I guess it wouldn't hurt getting a baby boy"

Ouran Host club x Male!Uke!Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now