Takashi's Ending

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3rd pov:

It has been a little over a week, and (Y/N) had finally gone back home to live with his family once again after a year that he can't remember, I wasn't as bad as (Y/N) had thought it would be, nothing had really changed back in the apartment and his room was like it was when he left, organized and relaxing.

Haruhi and the host club had come by every day to talk and make the wait for returning home more bearable, in that time (Y/N) had talked a lot together with Takashi and had grown a huge little crush on him. Tamaki had (Y/N) enrolled into Ouran Academy after hearing how (Y/N) didn't want to leave his sister, besides he was really hoping to get him to join the host club.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean I haven't been in school for over a year" (Y/N) said very nervous, while fixing his tie for the eighteens time that morning.

"Don't worry, you will be fine," Haruhi said as she took his hand and walked outside "besides you were the smartest person on the whole school, there's no doubt you will do great"

Time Skip

(Y/N)'s Pov

I was walking beside Haruhi down the outside hall when I heard a girl said Takashi's last name causing Haruhi and me to hide behind a pillar and take a peek at what was going on, a girl who was actually really cute was standing in front of Takashi, all of this is a really weird, it was kind of like seeing one of those shoujo mangas where the girl was going to confess to the boy. It in a way hurt if he were to agree to go out with her then it would feel really awkward to do what I do now, everything that I do to try to make him like me just a little.


I was sitting beside Honey-sempai in the audience seat as we were watching and cheering for Takashi in his Kendo match. So far he was doing amazing, only gotten hit once and he had just got his opponent for a second time, meaning that he won the last match of the day. Cheer form girls and boys were heard throughout the room, Honey and I were hugging while jumping up and down as we cheered, I looked down at Takashi and saw him looking back at me with a soft smile on his lips causing me to look down with a very flustered face.

Flashback end and Time Skip

I stepped into the Dojo at school, my shoes placed neatly at the entrance with the many other pairs there. I walked to one of the sides to not disturb the practice held in the middle at the moment, I placed the box that I was carrying on the floor together with the bag that I had on my shoulder, unzipping the bag I pulled out water bottles, freshly filled and smaller towels for the team to use.

"Hey Manager, great timing," One of the second years, that was a part of the kendo team said walking up to me, I handed him a towel which he used to remove the sweat from his face and neck.

"Great work you guys" I praised the team as more walked over to me.

After I started to come here more often since Takashi and Honey asked me to, the team have taken me in, they even call me manager even though I never asked for it, even so, I do my part, I would feel weird if I just stayed in the dojo looking at what they were doing, instead I make sure that they have everything they need as the actual manager never even bothered with showing up.

This was one of the things that I had originally done to get closer to Takashi, but I ended up really enjoying to be with the kendo team, they were a hardworking and fun bunch, so when if Takashi would never attention to me, I still had a great deal of fun with the others of the team.

"You know what? You would make a great wife one day" One of the others from the team said, the rest agreed and laughed, including me while shaking my head.

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