Twin's Ending

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3rd pov:

It has been a little over a week, and (Name) had finally gone back home to live with his family once again after a year that he can ́t remember, I wasn't as bad as (Name) had thought it would be, nothing had really changed back in the apartment and his room was like it was when he left, organized and relaxing.

Haruhi and the host club had come by every day to talk and make the wait of returning home more bearable, in that time (Name) had talked a lot together with the twins and had grown a huge little crush on them. Tamaki had (Name) enrolled into Ouran Academy after hearing how (Name) didn't want to leave his sister, besides he was really hoping to get him to join the host club.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean I haven't been in school for over a year" (Name) said very nervous, while fixing his tie for the eighteens time that morning.

"Don't worry, you will be fine," Haruhi said as she took his hand and walked outside "besides you were the smartest person on the whole school, there's no doubt you will do great"

Time Skip

(Name)'s Pov:

"Now can you guess which one is Hikaru?" The twins said in unison,

"Do I have to play this game?" I asked while fidgeting in the seat that they had placed me in earlier. You know it is quite a funny story about how I ended in this situation, it went a little something like this.


We were currently having a lesson in history, meaning I was writing down notes while reading and listening to everything the teacher said so I know I had all the right information, with me writing, I didn't realize that Hikaru was trying to get in contact with me, I only felt the slight pokes but never really reacting to them until after class had ended.

"I can't believe that you didn't react at all to any of my pokings and I was really trying too," Hikaru said as we were walking down the hall towards the host club.

"I'm sorry Hikaru, I really didn't mean to ignore you," I said as we reached the door.

"Well for the fact that you ignored me, you now have to play a game with us," He said as he and Karou wrapped an arm around each other.

"Okay, I... guess that's the least I can do," I said messing with the too-long sleeve of the Ouran sweater that I was wearing. The twins just smirk before looking at each other, making very nervous about what they were planning.

"But if you lose the game you are going to do something for us," Karou said.

To be honest you are going to do it anyway" Hikaru said as we all walked into the club room

'Then what's the point of the game, if I have to do 'it' anyway?' I questioned in my mind, well knowing the twins would just give me useless respond anyway.

Flashback ends

Alright, maybe it isn't a funny story, but at least it explains how I got here, to begin with.

Well... can you tell which one is Hikaru?" the Twins asked again together.

"Of course I can, you're Hikaru," I said before standing up before pulling off his hat showing his hair, that was parted to his left, before pulling of Karou as well" and when Karou, I'm a twin as well, we get used to seeing the smallest thing that defines us, it's what makes us unique"

The twins just stared at us, before smiling, unlike their usual smirk.

"Well, either way, you are still going to play with us," Hikaru said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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