Chapter One: First Day

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" Eep!! We're late!! " The clumsy girl rushes into the bathroom with her school uniform in her arms.

Sitting up from the bed, the small pink haired girl yawned. " Sayori.. what time is it.? "

" Didn't you hear me?! " Sayori yelled from inside the bathroom.

The small girl reached for her phone that was beside her then turned it on. It was 7:40. School started exactly 10 minutes ago.

" Oh crap! Sayori we're late!! " the girl yelled as she threw herself out of bed and quickly tried to get into her school uniform.

" Natsuki, I just said that!! " Sayori shouted back as she ran out of the bathroom and to a brush that was sitting on her friends desk.

The pink haired girl who was Natsuki, struggled to tie the thin red ribbon around the collar of her uniform.

They both managed to get ready but took a good five minutes to get to the school. It looked empty and quiet but the view was always so breathtaking. The campus was very clean also.

Panting and fixing their uniforms, a girl with long brown hair that was up into a ponytail and green eyes approached to the gate, where the two girls were by.

" N-No wait! Don't close it! " Sayori waved her arms.

The girl smiled. " I wasn't going to.. I mean.. I was so please hurry inside "

Looking at each other in realization, the two quickly stepped in.

After closing the gate and beginning to lock it, the girl turned over to the other two.

" Are you guys freshman? " she asked.

" Y-Yeah.. what about it? " Natsuki hesitated with attitude.

Taken aback, the girl smiled.

" My name is Monika " She began. " I'm the student council president for this school. Welcome! "

" You're a senior?! " Sayori excitedly burst out.

Monika giggled as she shook her head.

" Anyway, I'll take you guys to class. May I see your schedules? "

In somewhat panic, sayori moved around stuff in her bag, looking for the paper.

Natsuki nudged Sayori's shoulder.

" Ahem.. "

The small girl pulled out both schedules from her bag. Sayori giggled nervously.

It was only 4th period into this first day of school and it had already made Sayori exhausted. She thought that maybe it was a bad idea to stay up till 2am..

Slowly putting her head down and trying hard not to close her eyes, sayori remembered that after this class, she'll finally have lunch. She sat up from the thought of what type of food the school had which
distracted her from the sleepiness.

" I hope they have cookies here.. or cinnamon buns.. " Sayori quietly said to herself.

Soon enough the bell rang, and out goes the students(or just most of them). Sayori hurried along to the cafeteria she had no hard time finding. The girl speed walked to the line with a very hungry stomach.

" Boo! " Natsuki attempted to scare her bestfriend.

" Oh hey! Nice try! " Sayori giggled. " Oh! How are your classes? "

Natsuki sighed. " REALLY boring honestly. Non of them catch my attention "

" They're required classes.? "

" It's still boring!! "

Still ranting about their classes, they finally got their lunch then decided to find a spot on the P.E field to eat their lunch. The grass was a beautiful green color and had so many trees. They picked one and laid right under it. The clouds were nice and huge but it was still very sunny, the wind wasn't that strong so it was great, and surprisingly quiet.

The little peaceful time didn't last that long obviously. The bell rang and Natsuki spent a good two minutes trying to wake up Sayori. After she awoke, she thanked her and gave a hug. Realization hit when they looked at each other's schedules.

" Hey, we have P.E together! " Sayori cheered happily.

" Yeah and we're actually here early for it " Natsuki replied, feeling accomplished.

More students made their way to the field as the others returned to class. Sayori clinged onto Natsuki's arm while walking towards the P.E coach who wanted everyone close together. One by one, the coaches introduced themselves, and explained the way they run things.

One of them finished his own introduction and began with a new one.

" Here is my T.A for whenever I am absent " He began. " Her name is Yuri, a Junior "

**T.A = Teachers Assistant**

Yuri was standing beside the coach, holding a book on her side and shyly spoke.

" N-Nice to meet you all.. "

Sayori awed.

" Starting tomorrow, you will all get dressed into your P.E uniforms  " The coach continued. " But for today, you will all get assigned lockers "

As the students lined up, Sayori and Natsuki stayed at the end of the line because they always know that the lockers in the front are the best lockers, or just the fact that Natsuki gets anxiety whenever in very crowded places, and the front of everything always have less people.

" She looks kind of lonely " Sayori said as the T.A walked to a bench beside the tracks and sat down.

" I'm sure she has some friends " Natsuki answered. " Just not in this period.. "

" Let's be friends with her! "

" I don't know, Sayori.. she looks fine the way she is "

Dragging Natsuki with her, Sayori waved at Yuri, who was reading her book.

" Hey Yuri! "

She looked up from her book.

" D-Do you two need assistance with something? " she hesitated.

Sayori shook her head. " We just wanna get to know you more! "

Yuri made a uncomfortable expression when she said that.

" I-I mean.. I like your book! " Sayori nervously smiled, attempting to change the subject.

" You read this book before? " Yuri asked.

" Only the first few pages.. "

" I see.. "

Natsuki dragged Sayori away, feeling embarrassed and most of all, awkward.

" She's so shy " Sayori pouted.

The pink haired girl shook her head. " She's fine, let's leave her alone "

The line got shorter and soon enough, they finally got their lockers. They pulled out their P.E uniforms and quickly shoved them inside.

" Are you two done? " Yuri's voice scared the two.

" We just got here! " Natsuki shouted, feeling her heart pounding. " Make some noise! "

Yuri stepped back, looking down at her hands.

" I-I'm sorry.. " she apologized quietly.

" Don't worry about it! " Sayori stepped in with a friendly smile. " It was too quiet in here anyway "

Yuri turned away and quietly walked out.

" Did you have to yell at her? " Sayori pouted. " Poor girl "

Natsuki crossed her arms. " You know that I HATE getting scared "

" Oh yeah, you're all about that cute stuff " Sayori teased.

" Shut it!! "

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