Chapter 4: What's Wrong?

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As the two best friends gave their waves goodbye, Natsuki glanced at the girl showing a sad smile.

" Is something wrong? " She ended up asking.

Sayori twirled the ends of her hair and proceeded to show more effort into her smile.

" I'm alright! Just.. Just a little hungry "

Natsuki sighed. " We can go back to my place, I'll make you something "

" Really?! "

" Really " Natsuki reassured as she grabbed her best friend's hand and lead her to her house. Sayori's eyes lit up in joy from knowing what she could possibly get. She hoped it would be a chocolate chip cookie.

The girls got there soon enough, but sayori hurried inside and sat in the living room couch.

" Where's your dad? " she asked.

Natsuki closed the door and locked it. " He's out of town for a bit.. he'll be back in like three days though "

Looking around, Sayori couldn't help but wonder what Natsuki will make. She took a glance every now and then at the back of Natsuki, watching her stir things and pour them into a bigger bowl. Her stomach slightly growled from the sweet smell of chocolate.

Sayori laid back into the couch and stretched her aching legs.

" Today was fun, right? " Sayori asked suddenly.

Natsuki stood quiet for a bit, thinking about an answer that wouldn't concern her bestfriend in any way. She did have a good time but she still and always had trouble opening up to people, and accepting friendship.

" Yeah, it was a good day " Natsuki replied.

The small girl suddenly saw arms wrapped around her chest, and quickly she spoke: " H-Hey I'm cooking! "

" You did have fun, right? " Sayori said in a very soft voice that was close against the girls ear. Natsuki blushed uncontrollably and stiffened up right, trying to wiggle out of Sayori's hug.

" Yeah I did, sayo " Natsuki forcefully admitted. " Please, I'm trying to make you something "

" Let me help! " Sayori smiled as she let go of the small girl.

Still having a red face, Natsuki told sayori what to do. From pouring the already mixed chocolate into the heart shaped container, to putting it inside the oven, and finally turning the knob. Sayori smiled as she watched the soon to be cake from the oven's little window. She still secretly wanted that cookie, but cake is just as good.

" Don't stare at it, let it do it's thing " Natsuki said clearly.

" Baking is fun when you're doing it together, right? " Sayori suddenly said as she looked at the small girl with a soft friendly smile.

Natsuki was taken aback by that..

" C'mon " Sayori began, " Let's watch something! "

She grabbed Natsuki's hand and lead her to the couch. She quickly laid down.

" Move your legs " Natsuki sighed as she turned on the TV and grabbed her PS4 controller. As Sayori lifted her legs, Natsuki sat in the extra space on the couch, only to have her lap used as a foot rest.

" What do you want to watch? " she asked.

" Hmmm... we haven't watched Criminal Minds in a very long time! " Sayori smiled. " We used to watch it all the time when we were in middle school "

" Criminal Minds it is "

Picking an episode out of random, Natsuki set down the controller then looked back at the oven, to see the soon to be cake from the small window.
An episode in, Sayori looked way too into it as she did back in middle school. She always thought being a detective was cool and all but could never handle the gorey side.

" It HAS to be him " Sayori said while sitting up and beside Natsuki.

" I wouldn't be surprised " Natsuki said while blushing. She would feel Sayori's shoulder nudge her when things get exciting.

" Ah! Not the girl! " Sayori whined as she clinged onto Natsuki's arm. " She was innocent! "

Natsuki looked the other way, and hoped it wouldn't be noticeable.

Sayori felt a sudden shift from Natsuki's arm and took a glance.

" Hey, you ok? " she asked. " You look sick "

" No I'm okay.. " Natsuki answered with her eyes still on something else.

Sayori suddenly sat on the small girls lap, grabbed her face to make their eyes meet. Natsuki slightly struggled but then feeling the need to just let it happen. The small girl closed her eyes with her face feeling all warmed up, then felt a somewhat cold hand onto her forehead.

" You're not sick.. hmm.. " Sayori's soft voice fluttered into Natsuki's ears. " Maybe.? "

A delicious smell filled the air and just like that, sayori hurried to the kitchen. Taking a heavy breath, Natsuki flopped onto the side of the couch.

" W-We.. n-no we weren't going to kiss.. " Natsuki's mind repeatedly went on.

She then hurried along after a few seconds of getting herself together.
" You know Natsuki.. " Sayori began suddenly after finishing her slice of cake. " I haven't seen you smile at all today "

" What's with you about that? " Natsuki spoke without thinking.

It went dead quiet after that. But then Sayori looked up from her plate and gave a sad smile.

" I won't be here for long " She said in a somewhat sad tone.

The fork in Natsuki's hand trembled.

" W-What.. what do you mean? "

" Just be happy, ok? "

Putting her plate onto the small coffee table, Natsuki ending up pinning her bestfriend down onto the couch. The plate Sayori had slipped off and fell onto the carpet.

" What the hell did you mean by that?! " Natsuki's voice cracked. " Are you gonna leave me?! "

" No I'm not going to leave you- "

" Are you gonna leave me like my mom did?! " Natsuki cried. Feeling her arms tremble, she gently dropped herself onto Sayori.

Feeling a little bit of guilt, Sayori hugged her bestfriend tight.

" I just want you to be happy, that's all.. " Sayori went on. " I'll never leave you "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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