Ongoing: Second Day

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Just like that, their first day of school flew by. Now the homework, long lectures, exhausting laps around the track, and brand new clubs waiting for applications, began right away.

Surprisingly for the two bestfriends, they didn't show up late this time. In fact, they showed up a little early. There were very few students on campus but that's because they were setting up their booths in the quad.

" I'm so tired.. " Sayori whined as she rubbed her burning eyes. " You put your alarm way too early.. "

" Unlike you, I actually got in trouble for showing up late " Natsuki spoke with attitude. " I rather be here early than get here late again "

" Okay but still!! It's too early! "

" Anything after 12 in the afternoon is too early for you! "

Hesitant to keep a serious face, Sayori couldn't help but laugh. She knew that Natsuki was right and honestly didn't want to admit it.

They started walking around the quad, looking at booths being decorated and students practicing on what to say when the time comes.

From Chess club, to Robotics, to Cooking club, and so much more; Sayori couldn't make up her mind. She thought that either one out of all would be fun.

Natsuki on the other hand, didn't want to be in any club. She thinks of them as a waste of time or something she can just do at home or anywhere.

The last booth had a girl they recognized and it was no other than-

" Hey Monika! " Sayori called as she happily waved.

" Oh hey! " she smiled. " Sayori and.. Natalie, right? "

" It's Natsuki.. "  the small pink haired girl corrected.

" I'm sorry, I can hardly remember anyone's name "

" It's okay Monika, she forgives you " Sayori smiled. " So you're helping the students with their booths? "

" Actually no " Monika began. " I'm actually setting up my club. I stepped down as student council president "

" Already?! "

" It was no fun. The way they do things.. it's not interesting either. Besides, I only tried it because my friend said I'd do great "

" Inspiring " Sayori replied jokingly. " What's your club then? "
" The Literature Club " she answered with a soft tone of happiness. " I always loved poems! Just the way you can put small words together and still make a huge picture is truly amazing! "

" Like a movie? "

" Anything that makes you think or imagine "

As Monika continued her love and interest about Literature with Sayori. Natsuki decided to walk away. She hates the feeling of being the " third wheel ".. But now that she put some thought into it, it was actually the first time feeling that way and she hated it.

" You make writing sound pretty fun! " Sayori said in amazement. " I wish I could join your club! "

" Why don't you? " Monika asked.

" Well, I was gonna talk about it with.. " Sayori's words drifted away when she realized that her bestfriend was not by her side.

" I uh.. I'll give you my answer whenever I see you! " Sayori's final words were before running off. She ran over to the tree they laid under from yesterday, hoping to find Natsuki there. But sitting by the tree was Yuri, reading peacefully.

" Oh hey um.. Yuri! "

The purple haired girl looked up from her book.

" Oh.. it's you "

Sayori let out an awkward chuckle.

" Yeah it's me.. A-Anyway, have you seen Natsuki? The short girl who's always with me? "

Yuri shook her head and drifted her eyes back to her book.

" O-Oh.. thanks anyway " Sayori sighed as she walked away. Starting to look around, she noticed that more and more students were showing up which meant that school was about to start soon..

" Where would she go.? " Sayori said quietly to herself as she walked down the school's hallways. Before turning the corner where the bathrooms were, the bell rang. Sayori would look for natsuki all day but it's too late. Turning around, she started walking to her first period with her stomach beginning to hurt.

Walking out of the restroom was Natsuki, throwing away the wet tissue paper. She started walking to her first period, feeling a little guilty for leaving Sayori. But then again, she did feel like a bother just by existing..
Lunch came around unexpectedly quick.. but it meant that Sayori had a chance to confront Natsuki about earlier. Rushing out of class and heading out to the field, she hoped to see Natsuki under that same tree.

But there was no one there.

Sayori leaned against the tree and slowly slumped down. Her stomach pain turned even worse as she sat there.

She sighed quietly, hugging her knees and looking down at the floor.

" You know Sayori, it's not good to skip lunch.. " Natsuki said in her usual bratty tone with a bag in her hand.

Sayori looked up with tears in her eyes.

" E-Eh? " Natsuki stuttered. " D-Don't cry please!! "

" You IDIOT! "

Getting almost tackled, Natsuki got her chest buried with arms wrapped around her.

" I thought you hated me! " Sayori sobbed.

" I-I don't hate you! " Natsuki quickly replied.

" Then why did you leave? "

Gulping down her words, Natsuki didn't know what else to say because she didn't want to admit the truth. She knew lying wouldn't do any good but she doesn't want to make a big deal over something  childish.

" I-I had to use the restroom.. " she began. " I didn't want to interrupt or anything so I just walked away.. "

Sayori pulled herself away to look up at Natsuki from her knees. She couldn't tell if she was lying or not by the tone in her voice.

" But seriously! " Natsuki changed the subject as she pulled out a wrapped sandwich. " I know how you get when you don't eat "

Taking the sandwich from Natsuki's hand, Sayori let out a small smile.

" Thanks "

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