The heart broke 💔

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Miss jones was not at home when zed reached home . Zed searched the house for his mother but thinking she's gone to shop he went to watch television . Zed clicked on his favourite show ' The spicers ' and rested for sometime . It was 6:00 when the door bell clung sharply .
Zed went downstairs to open the gate but to his surprise the bell stopped ringing after just one bell as if someone changed his or her mind to come to their house . Zed peeked through the hole but there was not a shadow to be seen . Thinking of naughty kids he opened the door , zed standing in the middle of the road still couldn't see anyone . There was a cracking sound as if someone stepped on a twig . Then there was this abnormal laughing sounds coming with heavy breating sounds . Zed was making a analysis but just before that he felt someone standing behind him he reached for his pocket knife but it was too late he could feel the hot breath of the person on his neck , he could feel his hands being shoved at his back . The person dragged him to the nearby bushes . Zed shouted " I swear you will regret this " saying this he jerked the guy with his elbow and ran for his house but the guy framed his hands right on zed's feet and pushed , zed fall down . Now zed was shouting for help and eventually help came . Someone threw a hand full of stones on the guy and he ran saving himself . Zed stood up and looked in the direction from where the stones were coming to his surprise a lady looking a teenage was standing there .
" Whose there ? " asked zed . There was no reply . Zed moved towards her  but the lady ran . Zed ran too . He was only able to see her shiny clips in the dark . Those shiny butterfly clips reminded zed of those gifts his dad used to bring for his mother . Zed in thoughts lost the tracks of the lady . Who was that and why was she helping me zed thought .
At school :•
Zed was very scared for the results of writing club . First he went to his locker to put away his belongings . When he opened his locker some pages fell out of it . Zed picked up one it was a message Don't try . I wont select you .
Zed feeling off made his way to the notice board . Just then he met Quine .
" Hi zed !! " she said . " Hey " .
" So are you excited ? " she asked . " Excited ? for what ? " . " For the results of writing club " . " No and i don't want to enter it " . " bbut why it was going so great . You were doing great job please don't stop". " ------ and who are you to tell me this ? . " replied zed with anger . Quine opened her mouth to speak but maybe due to zed's rudeness she stood up and went away and zed was pretty sure he saw tears in her eyes . Zed feeling guilty looked down and saw a bright yellow paper lying . When zed read it , it said Congratulations Zed . Zed feel the urge to go and check his name . He reached to the notice board and looked for his name and the third name was his . At first zed couldn't believe his eyes so he went to sabrina and asked " Hey am i selected ? " . " Yes . I knew this was coming " said sabrina smiling widely .
Now zed couldn't believe his luck 😅 .
After Maths period it was English lesson. The teacher came and asked the students to sit in pair . All the students sat in pairs except for Zed and Quine . " Zed whose your partner ? " asked the teacher  . Zed shrugged . " Whose left ? " Quine raised her hand . " Then what are you waiting for silly girl . Go and be partner of zed " . Quine came and sat beside zed . Both of them kept quite both waiting for the other to break the ice . " Now read chapter 14 by yourself and mark the things written on board " said the teacher . " Mind if i read it out loud ? " asked zed . " No its okay i will read it myself " said quine . After the awkward class zed followed Quine to the cafeteria .
" Stop following me zed !! " said quine . " Please can we talk ? " .
" No " demanded quine . " Look at the looser can't even handle one girl " shouted dragon . Dragon came to zed .
" whats up boy ? " . " Nothing but thanks for selecting me ! " said zed .
" oh shut up i didn't choose you . Your work was pathetic . Vocabulary was yuck and the words were like too badly used and are you a girl attracted to shiny things huh!! Duffer !" . " I am selected this is enough for me " . " yes the other judges selected you out of pity " said dragon laughing abnormally . Zed walked towards quine . " Quine i'm really sorry for my behaviour please forgive me and be my friend again " pleaded Zed . " Are you sure ? " asked quine . " Yes pretty sure !" Zed smiled which made her smile too .
Zed and Quine walked home together that day . " I like your piece of work it was excellent no wonder they selected you " . " Thanks " . From that day zed and quine became very good friends .
Now zed had to prepare his another piece for the next session . Will he be able to make it to level 2 so that he can sign the form for Quine ? . Will Zed's father return ? Keep reading to find out .

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