Chapter 6: Sweat

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It was the late afternoon. Nothing was going on, and there was way I could focus on any school work. Jihan still wasn't back, the trip taking up way too much time for my tastes. I was actually becoming very lonely, always making extra dinner even though she wasn't here, or calling out when I forget that I'm home alone. I need to go out or something. Just going between classes and my room wasn't enough anymore. Against my better judgement, my phone is in hand as I scroll to a chat only used for studying purposes.


What's up?

                              Any parties? 

Idk why that's so
weird after the last time.

But yeah, Bangtan's throwing one

A lot of people are coming

No RSVP, so just slip in

Stop doing HW. Cause you're getting wasted.

I honestly liked the sound of that. My hands quickly tap away at my screen ordering a ride before I rummage my closet. Clothes were on the floor immediately as I dig out a dark blue dress from the very back of the clothing arsenal. It was similar to the one I wore to the last party I went to, but stayed simple without lace. The top hugging my bust tighter than the last. I did feel a bit uncomfortable with being the fat girl who just randomly shows up, but there was no point in not going. I needed out, Hoseok knew I wanted to go and I might just run into Taehyung or that guy from the closet. There was no excuse for trying to stay home.

My eyes roam over my body in the mirror. Hair up or down? Giving up I drop the hair down, and leave it as is to avoid being in my room for too much longer. I look kind of dead... Make up was the least of my concern right now, hut it only seemed appropriate the more I observe my reflection. Concealer gets some serious work done on my blunt dark circles, and the rest seems to just come out so naturally. With highlight for the gods and red stained lips, I finally look over my work. The vibrant color of the dress would make me stick out like a sorry thumb, but who cares? Fat girl wants to let loose a little tonight. I look good in my eyes, absolutely beautiful even if I do dislike my body. So people can appreciate the curves or just not bother me.

Confidence is key, right?

So there I went, out my door and down the side walk just as my ride pulled to the curb. I stepped into the car, and simply watched as the city lights passed by when we took off. The silence was peaceful as the night lulled by. Enjoyable, but not enough for me right now.

Electric is what I wanted to feel. Steam like in the closet, the burn like that shot, and the rushing fear like the first day of school. Excitement needed to course through my veins like fuel tonight, and I wanted it bad. Even more so as I seen the red solo cups littering the yard outside my window. I quickly pull off my seat belt and exit the car to feel the warm air that was filled with the sound of booming music. To say I had an adrenaline rush was a bit underwhelming at the very least.

My body pushed through the sweat drenched bodies as I made it inside. Some spilling drinks as they sloppily make out, or badly dance to a song that's lyrics we're honestly a blur. It felt right to be here, being reckless on my own without being told for once. Thick clouds of smoke, and the violent smell of alcohol tickled my nose. Laughter rang heavy while people belted out their voices to sing as if it was the end of our lives. The intensity of everyone's energy just consumed me, and I couldn't help myself but enjoy the naughty rioting of youth.

"So she returns, but where's her boyfriend?" Taehyung's voice mocks into my ear as a set of hands gripped my shoulders. I had almost forgot that I had told him that. So the matter is tell him I lied, or keep the ball rolling. When I look back into his eyes that unidentifiable emotion from the media center was still screaming in them. Irritated? No. Surprised? No. I wasn't sure what he was, but it was enough to make up my decision.

"Parties aren't his thing, his friends are there though. Don't try getting me in trouble," I shift out of his reach and looked for the kitchen to hide away in for a bit. Just because a couple people might be chummy with me, or at least assholes it doesn't mean everyone is cool with me being here.

When I finally find it, I slip in and head straight for the cooler. "Will you always be a kitchen girl?" Taehyung casually followed behind me. He pulled himself up onto the counter, taking a seat and watching me as I lean against the fridge. There didn't need to be an answer, the silence was enough for the conversation to continue. It was like our own private language only we understood, no words just a strange comfort in the air that I was slowly getting used to. That is until he spoke once more.

"You up for another game? Like last time?"

Taehyung left the kitchen without even hearing my answer. Puzzled I wanted to follow him but the music stopped suddenly creating a myriad of voices being disappointed. "Hey lame asses, T or D in Namjoon's room!" The music resumed, and a small group squeezed through the crowd to run upstairs. Obviously being all of Bangtan, a few other guys and a bunch of girls. Hoseok was one of the last people on the steps and he looked over to my hiding spot while gesturing for me to follow him.

So I did.

At the top of the steps a bedroom was wide open revealing all of the mischievous students who were ready to act even stupider than they already have tonight. Each person adjusting themselves to sit in a circle, and chatting before the game began. I took a seat myself before waiting patiently. The quicker the game the better.

"Alright, is that everybody?" A tall guy with thick lips, and a very strong presence stood by the door. When no one answered his question, he took the silence as a yes and shut the door. "Namjoon, sit over here," Jeongguk was planted on the other side of the room next to Minseo, and the girl from last time. His arm waving over the man from the door. Once 'Namjoon' took his seat the bottle was placed in the center, and everyone turned to the one who called us all up here.

Taehyung's eyes look back at mine before a large smirk crossed his face, and anxiousness bubbled in my stomach. This however didn't go unnoticed by certain people such as Jimin, and Hoseok who looked over at me as well. Taehyung spun the bottle quickly, trying to bring back the focus and it only made things a little worse.

"(Y/n), Truth or Dare?"

"Are you going to leave the room like a bunch of middle schoolers again?"

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