Chapter 7

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The clock's ticking echoes in the room. A reminder of how long the group has to stay inside. Each member is bored out of their mind. You huff in boredom and turn to Bender, who currently has his feet on the table and lights a match using his shoe, lighting it on fire. With said shoe, he brings a cigarette close to light it before putting the fire out with his hand that is clover by a black fingerless glove. Bender catches eye contact with you in time for your concern glaze. 'What?' he mouth, not breaking the silences.

You raise your hands up in surround and look away. You place your headphones on and press play on your David Bowie mixtape. That lulls you to a peaceful sleep, as you lay on top of the desk.


"Wake up! " Vernon shout, waking you up. Letting a noise of discomfort, you snuggle deeper into the comfort that surrounds you. Just as it tightens its hold on you. " Who has to go to the lavatory? " Vernon ask.

You raise your arm, in time with everyone else. As everyone slowly wakes up to go use the bathroom, you arise from your warm comfort. "Morning sunshine" a voice comments. You blink the sleep out of your eyes to discover, you were sleeping on top of Bender on the desk.

You freeze as the realisation of cuddling with John Bender. Staring at him with wide panic eyes.

"Ah, good morning?" you greet with uncertainty. Bender chuckles at that. "You know", Bender begins, his smirk getting bigger by the second," I've never pin ya for a cuddler" he comments. Before he could get to the punch line of his set you, you spring up and quickly walk out of the room, following Claire and Allison, with a fierce red blush. Ignoring John's laughter in the background.


Your music blast out of your headset and into your ears as you sit on top of a table. Looking at a clock that reads '10:22 am'. You sigh in annoyance. Wishing time would speed up and you all get to go home quicker. You look over to see Bender tearing out pages from a book while Andrew is off stretching.

"That's real intelligent." You faintly hear Andrew comment and decide to turn the volume of your walkman down. Just in time to hear Bender speak. " You're's wrong to destroy literature.." Bender continues to tear pages out. "It's such fun to read...and, Molet really pumps my nads!"

"Mol-yare " You and Claire correct Bender. Bender's glaze switch between you and Claire. "I love his work." Brian pipe up, catching Bender's attention. Bender glares at Brian as he tosses the book at him. You watch as Bender then grab a card catalogue drawer and proceed to arrange the cards disorderly. 'Oh he's going to make someone's life hell' you thought as you look at the cards.

"Big deal...nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy." Bender comments. "Speak for yourself" Andrew scoffs. Bender pause and turns to Andrew with an annoyed look. "Do you think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language! " Bender yells, but Andrew simply ignores it. Turning to Claire instead.

"Hey, you grounded tonight?" Andrew asks. "I don't know" Claire shrugs," my mom said I was but by dad told me to just blow her off."

"Big party at Stubbies, parents are in Europe. Should be pretty wild" Andrew tells Claire, you roll your eyes at this and turn your volume up. But not too loud where you can't hear the conversation.

"Yeah?" Claire asks.

"Yeah, can you go? "

"I doubt it"

" How come? " Andrew asks. Not understanding why Claire can't come.

"Well 'cause if I do what my mother tells me not to do, it's because my father says it's okay. There's like this whole big monster deal, it's endless and it's a total drag. It's like any minute... divorce" Claire speaks out in a low tone. Almost afraid of the term.

' Been there, done that' you scoff. " Who do you like better?" Bender asks, getting into the conversation. "What?" Caire asks. "You like your old man better than your mom? " Bender clarify.

"They're both strict." Claire response, not sure on who she'll pick. "No, I mean, if you had to choose between them." Bender tries again. "I dunno, I'd probably go live with my brother. I mean, I don't think either one of them gives a shit about's like they use me just to get back at each other. " Claire explains the situation and answers.

Suddenly from the back of the room. Allison cries out a loud " Ha!!". Causing everyone, including you, to turn at her in shock. You watch as Allison blows her hair out of her eyes and grins. "Shut up! " Claire yells.

"You're just feeling sorry for yourself" Andrew accused. "Yeah, well if I didn't nobody else would." Claire defends with a cry. "'re breaking my heart" Andrew teased. You roll your eyes at the bricking and turn your music off. Since you couldn't properly enjoy it from all the yelling. "mmm, what's going on? All I hear is annoying voices" You comment dryly, gaining everyone's attention.

"Y/n, if your parents are divorce who would you pick?" Bender asks you the same question. You snort at the question, finding amusement in it. "ha, that's a cute question". Bender rolls his eyes, believing you didn't understand. " I mean who-"." nah, I know what you mean," you cut Bender off, " it's just the 'if' part is cute" you give Bender a wink as he understands what you mean with wide surprise brown eyes.

"so the rumours are true! Your parents are divorced" Claire confirms with a yell. The sentences cause you to look at her in distrust. " Why is that a rumour since it's none of your business" You question. "since you wear that punk goth stuff to school" Claire answer. Bring up bad memories of terrible hair days.

" that was for a week!" you groan at the memory of your emo days," Is it a crime to try something new? Anway, Wow no need to sound so happy" you point out. "it's just, you know what it's like" Claire points out in an oddly hopeful tone.

"please if you're coming to me for divorce advice. You're barking up the wrong tree." You explain in an piss off tone, " Everyone has different parents. If anything you get two parents who are ready to spoiler you just to spite the other. What's wrong with that? " you ask as you glare at Claire.

"you don't get it," Claire said but more to herself in a hopeless tone. "I honestly don't but what I do get, is what it's like to have two figures hating me so" you comment with hand gestures.

"you never answer my question" Bender interrupts the conversation. Causing you and Claire to look at him. "huh? Oh right, If I have to choose someone it'll be my brother but I rather pick myself" you shrug. Your answer causing Bender to frown. "you have a brother?" Claire asks in surprise.

"yourself? isn't that dangerous to live alone" Bender asks with worry. "Um, yes i have a brother, he's in college." you answer Claire, now turning to Bender, " And I know how to take care of myself, sweet cheeks" you tease with a wink. Which cause Bender's frown to deepen.

"aw, the two broken families are bonding" Andrew mocks. Causing you to roll your eyes and regret speaking about such personal details. "Sporto" Bedner calls out as he hops down from his seat. "What? " Andrew as as he turns to Bender who stands before him.

"You get along with your parents?" Bender asks.

"Well if I say yes, I'm an idiot, right?" Andrew answer with a question.

"You're an idiot anyway...But if you say you get along with your parents well you're a liar too! " Bender answer as he turns away from Andrew. But Andrew follows and pushes Bender. Making Bender give Andrew his attention.

"You know something, man...If we weren't in school right now, I'd waste you!" Andrew exclaim. Bender nods his head, holding his hand out with his fingers pointing down.

" Can you hear this? Want me to turn it up? " Bender asks as he flips his hand around so he is now giving Andrew the bird.

Noticing the tension, Brian comes over and puts a hand on each of the guy's shoulders. Trying to break them up before anything bad happens. You could only watch in suspense as you hope nothing bad happens to Brian as he gets between the two guys.

'This is going to get ugly' you think to yourself. 

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