ONE: Aurelia Maxx Greene Becomes Letticia Tiffany Salvador

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In the middle of the darkness, a floating person is found. Her black silky hair are floating freely. Skin as white as snow, oval shaped with a size of a palm face and her five features are all complimenting to each other resulting in her beauty that can cause chaos of a country.

Her body are blurry giving off an impression that she will vanish in your sight if you blink. That's right. The body that's floating freely in the dark space is Aurelia.

Because her heart is full of unwillingness to die even if she mask it with peacefulness and thinking that she will meet her parents soon, the god gave her a chance. A second chance for her to live her life the way she want it.

Just that, she still needs time to heal her broken heart.


Feeling the pain all over her body, Aurelia open her eyes to be greeted of a white ceiling and be assaulted with a smell of disinfectant.

From those two things, Aurelia concluded that she's now in the place where she hates the most, hospital. She's just confused as to why she's in the hospital. By the memories she remembered, she died and even if she brought to hospital, the probability that she will live is none.

She's in a daze when someone's voice jolted her.

"It's good your now awake, sweetie. Mama brought you your favorite soup." The voice is so gentle. But what shocked her is the voice belongs to a woman unfamiliar to her.

Seeing her daughter's shocked and curious eyes,  the woman giggled and support her daughter gently to make her sit.

"Look sweetie, mama brought you your favorite chicken soup. The doctor said you can be discharged for a few days. But before that you have to show good results and for you to do that, you need to eat. Here, mama will feed you, okay?!"

Even though the woman is unfamiliar to her, seeing the same gentle and sweet smile of her that's exactly the same with her deceased mother, Aurelia let her to feed her. Besides, she don't know why but she feel the love the woman had for her like what's she's feeling to her deceased mother. So gentle and soothing.

Finishing the chicken soup, the woman told her that's she have business to do and for her to wait for her maid. Confused, Aurelia just nod before the woman kiss her and leave.

Finally alone, Aurelia tried to stand up. It's hard in the beginning but eventually she succeed and proceed to the comfort room to find mirror.

She knows she died and she wants to find out who this body is. Aurelia knows it's not her original body. If she's right, she transmigrated to the body of a child like those female leads in a transmigrated genre novels.

Facing the mirror with the help of a chair, Aurelia receive the shock of her life. The little girl in front if her is so much cute and beautiful. Her chubby cheeks, round glittering eyes, button like nose, pouty red lips and snow as white skin. Over all, you will know right away that she will be a great beauty once she grows up.

Thinking hard where she meet this kind of face, Aurelia failed. She never meet this kind of cute and beautiful face all her life.

Having a staring contest at the new her in the mirror, sudden pain assaulted her brain. Soon, unfamiliar yet familiar memories started pouring to her brain. Thankfully it's just last for seconds. If not, she really don't know  what might happen.

Scared that something will happen again, Aurelia got out of the comfort room and come back to the bed. Finding a comfortable position, Aurelia think those memories that cause her pain a while ago.

The name of this beautiful and cute child is Letticia Tiffany Salvador, 5 years of age. She had an accident three days in the school. The building where her classroom is caught in fire. She inhaled so much smoke and fainted. But that's not all. When she fainted, her head land at the edge of a table resulting her head to bleed. Fortunately, one of the teachers saw her and she immediately brought to the hospital. If not, she might die because of losing to much blood.

The time she possessed this body is the time she died because of the blood loss. Meaning, the entire three days that she's in coma, Aurelia already possessing the body without her knowing it.

Like in her past life, Letticia is a pampered princess. Having a fashion empress as a mother, film emperor as a father and art prodigy as a brother, everyone's attention are on her. Fortunately, Letticia didn't bring her family's name in shame. Letticia is a music prodigy. Playing violin with ease and like a professional,  and mastering piano at the age of five. Letticia also like her parents and brother, have an own fans club. Though she didn't really focus on them since she's still little and she needs to study, her parents didn't also forbid her to do what she wants.

That's what Letticia and Aurelia differ. Letticia's parents let her do what she wants while Aurelia's  parents forbid her to do what they didn't let her to do.

I really transmigrated, huh!! Since god let me, then I should make this second life of mine be beautiful. Since men likes beautiful women, then I should be more beautiful that most of the girls then. That way, I have all the rights to ignore men who only wants is me body. Maybe, being dead is a blessing in disguise.

Finally settled, Aurelia now Letticia drift to dreamland.


Jam's Note:
What do you think about the prologue?

Don't forget to give your feed back at the comment section. I'll highly appreciate it.

Thank you and god bless 😁😁

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