SEVEN: Bonding with Mother

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When the week end comes, Cassiopeia— Tiffany's mother— immediately stuff her in the car and she— Tiffany— albeit unwillingly— together with her mother arrived at the mall.

Walking just three steps away from Cassiopeia, you will find the little human looking at her mother sulking.

"Mom, why didn't you drag father instead to come with you? Why me? I still have assignments to do." Tiffany grudgingly look at her mother but seeing her mother looking something not minding her sulking daughter, Tiffany become more angry.

Tugging her mother's dress, "Mom, are you listening?!"

Feeling her dress being tugged by the specific little imp, Cassiopeia lower her gaze to see her daughter still looking cute as ever even though a visible frown are plastered on her cute face.

"Darling, mom's gonna shop dresses for you not for me. Besides, dad have a meeting in our office. Just accompany mommy, okay?! Mom's gonna buy you your favorite ice cream after this, okay baby?" Cassiopeia said, ah no, rather coaxed her cute little daughter into agreeing.

Hearing the treat after this, Tiffany doesn't have a choice but to agree.

Pouting, "Fine mom. But we're shop fast, okay?! I still have assignments to do mom."

Finally getting her desired answer, Cassiopeia smile first like she's planning something before dragging her daughter to their first destination.


Resting in one of the couch near the fitting room, Tiffany watch her mother being busy choosing dresses for her again, yes again cause this store is the 10th store they've visited for the last five hours.

And yes, she's survived for atleast five hours. However, she didn't know if she will survive for the incoming event.

Right to what she expected, after her mother chooses dress that she (mother) think will be look good or great to her (Tiffany), Cassiopeia immediately push her poor daughter into trying it.

Poor Tiffany~~

Exiting the fitting room once again, she faced her excited mother to show the dress. Light pink lolita dress with white socks and pink shoes.

"Omg! Omg! That dress looks good on you, baby. I love it. We're buying it." Cassiopeia squealed after seeing how cute her baby daughter is.

"Mom, you bought me atleast hundreds of dresses already. Can we go home now?!" Tiffany cutely said to her mother while pouting.

"Yes, yes. We're go home baby but after we go to your godmother's store, okay?!"

Again?~~ You said it for atleast five times already, mom >-<!! Arghh!!! I'm really regretting to come with her to shop now. Really~~

Leave with no choice, Tiffany follow her mother without removing her pout.

"Oh my dear Cassiopeia, you  become much more beautiful the last time I saw you." A man with a soft features and a black eye glasses in pink shirt greeted Cassiopeia as she step her foot inside of a boutique.

"Of course,  or else how can I borne my daughter to be this beautiful, right?!" Cassiopeia boasted her beauty and her daughter to her friend.

Tiffany just roll her eyes secretly when she heard her mother boasting again. Why did she even expect her mother to answer humbly?

Noticing a cute bun beside his friend, Grace's eyes suddenly sparkle.

"Oh my god, Cass! Why you didn't say that you have a daughter this cute. I want her to be the model of our new princess collection. It will suit her well."

Feeling smug thinking someone praising her cute daughter, Cassiopeia eyed her tired and bored daughter and said, "Of course or else where  else do you think she get her beauty? But if you want to make her you model, ask my baby daughter if she wants it or not. Or else I won't agree to it either."

Feeling her hairs stand up, Tiffany eyed the man wearing a pink shirt in her front. The man have a black jet hair and a black eye glasses.

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