FOUR: Back To School

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After almost half a month recuperating, Letticia decided to go back to school. Besides, she might miss more lessons of she didn't return soon.

Fearing her to get into an accident, her brother Knoxx is the one whou send her to her room.

Being in the same school as your brother have some advantages.

Standing still in front of the her room door, Knoxx garner all attention of everyone. All her classmates stare at them, specifically at her brother's face.

Who wouldn't, right? The art prodigy of the school is in front of them. It's a blessing, okay?! Knoxx, having a nickname as 'Cold and Stone-Faced Prince', not everyone can stole glances at him. Cause if he seed you, you can only cry at the corner.

"Big bro, I'm okay here. You can now go to your room."

Knoxx give her a side glance and said: "Why? Are you ashamed now because your with your brother huh, lil' sis?"

"Ashamed? Why would I? I'm just concerned about you, okay? Your gonna be late if you stay here."

Seeing her sister cute face but now filled with worry, Knoxx concede.

"Fine, fine. I'll go now. Remember to wait for me here. I want us to have lunch together. I'll fetch you later."

Slapping his hands that's ruining her hair again, The Tiffany pout first before she answered, "Yes.."

"En. Bye. See you later."

Knoxx bid his good bye to her sister before he start to depart. Looking at her brother's back, Tiffany sigh first before she comes in her class.


Finally done, Tiffany step her left foot outside the door.


Walking towards his sister, Knoxx pulled his sister's wrist before she even react.

Letting her brother pulled her to where ever he wants to go, soon they stopped at the front of a door.

"Where are we big bro? I thought we will have lunch together?"

"Hm... We're eating lunch here."



After he finished, Knoxx pushed open the door leading to a room, ah, no. More like an apartment.

There's a living room with a plasma tv in front, a kitchen, and a game corner.

"Welcome to our leisure room." With a big grin and spread arms like he was about to hug some one, Knoxx welcomed her sister to his and his friend's leisure room.

"Eh? Ours? Meaning there's also someone who's using this, not you alone?"

"Yup. But those four rascals are not here frequently. I'm only the one who use this leisure room everyday. There always busy about something."

Sitting at one of the couch in the living room, Tiffany roam her eyes around.

The room really is good. There's also some frame of pictures then and there and some paintings that she knows her brother's work based on the signature.

"What do you want, lil' sis?"

"Ahm.. You decide."

"Hmm... Okay!"

Fidgeting his phone, Knoxx soon dial some number to order their lunch.

Tiffany didn't sit that long in the couch when the door burst open and laughter was heard.

"Hahaha! Did you see her face? It's so hilarious. Who even said to her to do that anyway?"

"Can you be silent Knack?"

"Wait... Hahahahaha---"

He suddenly stopped laughing when he discover that someone's staring at him. His squinting eyes because of laughing bulged like it will pop out of it's socket because of shock. Someone who they didn't know is sitting in their couch staying intently at them.

"Who are you?" Suddenly putting his vigilance up.

"Ahm..." Tiffany didn't finished her words first when that same boy talk again.

"If you thinking that we want to befriend you, think again. Who even let you to sit there? Don't you know that no one's allowed here except for the four of us?"

Seeing the cute girl stumped for words, Knack feel smug.

See, even a cute and beautiful girl become daze just seeing me...

"Ahm..."Tiffany didn't finished her word again when she heard her brother's loud voice at the back.

"WHO ALLOWED YOU TO TALK LIKE THAT TO MY CUTE SISTER, HUH KNACK?" Immediately shielding his sister body infront of the wolves, Knoxx give his friend a death glare.

"Wh..what?! Little sister?"
From a smug look turn into a pale face.


Suddenly realizing his mistake, Knack look at his friend's face nervously.

"Hehehe... Chill Knoxx. I thought it's one of those girls. I didn't know it's your little sis."


"That's your karma for being a chit box."


Facing his sister, "Little Tiff, wait a bit more then we can eat our lunch, okay?"

Smiling, "En."

Guiding his sister back to sit, Knoxx talk to his sister like they're the only one in the room. Forgetting to even introduce her to his friends and vise versa.

"Hehehe... Knoxx, why don't you introduce your little sis to us?" Knack said while trying to disperse the awkward atmosphere.


Without bothering him, Knoxx continued to ignore his friends.


Jam's Note: 

Happy 200 followers, sweeties!!

This update is dedicated to all of you, Sweeties <3!!

Thanks for your love and support. Fighting!!

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