SIX: Bonding With the Four Rascals

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Sitting in the middle of the two rascals named, Knack and Knoxx, Tiffany didn't know where to put her hands. She's really uncomfortable as there's flying sparks every where near them, okay?!

"Okay, stop with you staring contest. You make little Tiffany uncomfortable, okay?!" Finally, someone comes in her rescue.

"Hmpp!!" The two finally stop their mini contest while Knoxx put his attention to his cute sister.

"Little Tiffany, what do you want? Big brother will order it for you."

Thinking for awhile, Tiffany answered "I want cookies 'n cream and chocolate chips ice cream big brother."

"Hmm. Wait for big brother here."


As soon as her big brother gone, Knack sit beside her and talked, "Little cutie, why did you have a big brother like that?! Do you want to change your brother? I can apply if you want."

Shocked by his sudden question, "Eh?! How will that gonna be?"

"Haha^=^! It's so easy, ah! Just abandon your brother."

"Ah? But I can't abandon by brother. I love him, ah!"

"I also love you little Tiff." Knoxx suddenly said.

"Hehe..." Feeling his friend's deathly glare, Knack laugh drily while going back to his seat.

"Big brother."


Giving her ice cream, Knoxx sit to his seat while maintaining his deathly glare to his rascal friend.

"Little Tiff, don't talk to him or believe any thing he say, okay?!"

"Hmm..." Tiffany hum her answer absent mindedly as she's busy devouring her ice cream.

Sparks flying in their middle. Death glares are given to the both of them. But it stops when they heard a cold voice that send shivers down on their spine. "If you still doesn't stop, let's see what will I can do."

Knoxx: ">-<!!!"

Knack: "T^T"

Luthor: "I-don't-see-anything-expression."

Finishing their ice cream, the five of them exited with varying expressions.

"Big brother, are we going home now?!" Tiffany innocently ask her silent brother.

"Hm--" Knoxx hum as an answer but he didn't had a chance to finish when Knack cut his word.

"Little cutie, don't you want to go to the park?"

"Park?! But where?"

"We go there, okay?!"

"Okay." Tiffany readily agreed even without his brother's consent. 

Knoxx wants to protest and made excuse saying that their parents will be worried and will find them for sure, but seeing his cute sister's excited face, he concede and agreed.


Arriving at the boisterous and lively park, Tiffany immediately run towards the swing. While the other four find some bench near the swing to rest and also watch her.

They watch her as she happily play by herself.

By the time the sun decided to set, Tiffany wearily go to his big brother's side and suggested to finally go home.

"Big brother, let's go home. I'm tired."

"Hmm.. I thought you still want to play more."

"*Shakes head left to right* No. I'm already tired, eh!"

Guiding his sister to their car, Knoxx face his friends "Hm.. We will go now. See you tomorrow at school."

"Yeah. See you tomorrow at school, Knoxx." Luthor said as he wave them good bye.

"Hmm.." Shiro coldly hum while nodding his head.

"Bye." Knack shortly replied.

Getting in the car, soon they depart at the park where his three rascal friends stood.


Princess carrying his asleep sister to her room, Knoxx gently tucked her to her bed to make sure she not cold or anything.

"Good night, little Tiffany. Sleep tight."

Closing her room's door gently, Knoxx bring his tired body to his room. But on the way, he saw his parents at the veranda.

"Honey, what do you think he will say when we say the news to him?" Based on the voice, it's his mom who asked that.

"Hmm.. I don't know, honey. But let's pray that it will be positive." His dad gently answered.

"I wish so."

What are they talking about?! Who's he and what's that news? I don't get it~~

Deciding to go out from where he's hiding, "Mom, dad, what are you talking about?!"

Like a startled rabbit, his mom jumped a little from where she's standing before she turn her head to his direction.

"Knoxx, are you standing there for long?"

"No, mom. I just heard you talking about what will that someone's response when you tell him about what news."

Sighing with relief, "Oh! That's good then. Well, we're just talking about work, right, honey?!"


"Oh, yes. Where did you brought your sister and she's fast asleep when you arrived?" His mommy asked while shifting the topic.

"We went to her favorite ice cream parlour with those three,  mom and after that she insist to go to the park. I don't have a will to disagree so I come with her. But she's so tired that's why she fell asleep in the car awhile ago."

"Is it?! Then you should also rest now. But wait, did you eat your dinner?"

'Now that mom said it, I seems to forgot to make my cute little sister eat dinner. And mine also.'

"Not yet, mom."

"Then you eat. Don't skip dinner. It will be bad for your health specially now that your growing up."

"Yes mom." Knoxx agreed to her first before making his way back to his little sister's room.

But before Knoxx can open her door, he heard muffling noises, he immediately flung her door.

What Knoxx saw made his heart break. His sister is crying hard while mumbling noises he can't hear. She also gripping her blankets like her life depended on it.

What are you seeing in your dreams, Tiffany?!~~


Jam's Note:

I hope you continue your support, guys.


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