A Love Story Written in the Heavens

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For so long, I thought you were everything. Having you felt like my whole purpose. You brightened my days, like sunshine after rain.

You still do.

But something changed. I found myself, and became the person you deserve.

Now, I love you truly, freely.

My love lets you be you, to breathe and explore. Even apart, my love for you fills my soul with peace.

Love will always be with me, from me, from you.

In this life or the next, our souls will always be connected.

If we're not together now, it's okay. This is just a pause, leading to a deeper connection later.

Our hearts, like wildflowers, bloom in their own time.

Some burst open with the first warm touch of spring, while others wait for the gentle whisper of summer rain.

Your love may not be beside me now,

but it's like a hidden seed, tucked away in the fertile ground of my soul.

It waits patiently, nurtured by the love I've found within myself.

And just like those wildflowers, when the time is right, our love will bloom again, stronger and more vibrant than ever.

For true love doesn't need to be held captive, it thrives in the freedom to grow and explore.

So let's embrace this pause, this space to become.

Let our love transform, like a caterpillar weaving its chrysalis, emerging with wings to fly,

together or on our own paths, knowing that our connection,

like the stars, shines even in the vastness of the unknown.

Our love, a melody whispered on the wind, carries with it a promise.

Though the notes may seem scattered now, a sweet harmony awaits.

We are like shooting stars, streaking across the night sky, each carving its own path, yet forever linked by the same celestial dance.

Distance may separate our bodies, but the thread of love binds our souls.

In the quiet moments, I'll feel your presence in the rustle of leaves, in the warmth of the sun, in the echo of a familiar song.

And when the time is ripe, when our paths converge once more,

our love will rise, a magnificent phoenix, from the ashes of separation,

stronger and more radiant than ever before.

This, my love, is not an ending, but a beautiful transformation.

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