Awakened Soul

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In the world's constant hum, a sudden hush fell, Your presence, a sight, a magical spell.

My soul, once dormant, awoke with a start,

A piece of my heart whispering, "You're the missing part."

A jolt, like a lightning bolt, sharp and so bright,

You opened a door, bathed in endless light.

My destination? The path yet unknown,

But holding the key, you've made it my own.

A gateway to all, a vision so grand,

This slumber I've known, touched by your hand.

Now, knowing you're here,

in this world's embrace,

I find peace within, a newfound space.

Our paths may not meet in this moment's brief stay,

But a chapter unfolds, in a love that won't stray.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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