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I leaved my life like I've been taught to do, later on I learned that it wasn't the right thing to do.

I try to be correct, but learned that I couldn't because my education misled me.

"Perfection lay in our imperfections". I discovered

"How come?" I told myself.

"That could not be right, it's not how it has to be".

It kept me thinking for a while.

"How could I make the world around me think like that?

they will never accept the reality that unravel itself in me!"
So I thought.

Who is it about?

Me or the others?

It's about me!

What I do with my life is my own responsibility.

It's what count at the end of the day.

Respecting peoples and their beliefs is important, but most important is to make what raised our souls up to reach our own level of perfection.

When I feel that what society require from me is destroying my inner self the only thing to do in order to feel right is to do what my soul want from me.

The battle between the mind, which want to do what is required from it, and the soul, who have it programming system for the body and the mind to process,

is always a painful but unavoidable path in every individual life.

The results diverts as humans do.

When a soul take place in a body it has it own thoughts and purpose for that lifetime,

but the world in which that will take place has it's own rules that have to be follow.

Some are softer than others, depending of where it arrived,

the individual has to take control of his or her body to allow the eternal seed of life to develop itself inward to make everything right outward.

At this state, the world no longer hold any affects on that body.

Said like that, people may think that it just theoretical, but it's a process in which every soul are involve .

Some win the battle,

others are swallow by this world.

Because of weaknesses? Bad timing? Or just because it's not their times to evolve?

The real answer is that everyone or everything process at it own timeline. So no one's slower or faster than someone else.

We all have our own rhythm to get throughout lifetimes.

We have to stop reflecting what is in this world to show more of what is inside of us, the truth that makes us who we are.

I learned all of that at my own expenses so will everyone else in their due time.

Voices of the Heart: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Soul ConnectionsWhere stories live. Discover now