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"Thanks a lot dick for brains!" Taishiro told Arakan enraged. "It's not my fault for throwing a condom full of your own semen on my friend, that was just fucking disgusting!" Arakan Replied a bit of anger in his tone. His nose bled on his school uniform. He then walked away from Taishiro with his fists clenched tightly. As he walked into class his math teacher who had worn her favorite shirt colored white but with some Japanese letters on it that read "peace be upon you." She was heavily frustrated at Arakan tapping her foot and putting her hands on her waist. "You're late Arakan." She told him frustrated. "I'm sorry Mrs. Aimi!" Arakan told Mrs. Aimi. Mrs. Aimi saw through his lies as she knew this was not the first time he was late for her class. "Arakan Kibo go get a tardy pass now, because you're not coming inside until you do young man!" Mrs. Aimi stated with dominance over his laziness. Arakan walked to the attendance office but not before stopping at the nurses office for his bloody nose. "Arakan you need to stop fighting" The nurse said knowing this is the fourth time he walked into her office. "Yeah Nurse I'm sorry" Arakan told the nurse. The nurses got up from her chair and assisted Arakan's nose bleed. "Taishiro again?" The nurse asked Arakan grumpily. "Yeah. He did something to Satoshi that pissed me off and... well let's just go on record saying it was not pretty" Arakan Replied to the nurse holding a napkin and squeezing Arakan's nose to stop the bleeding. "Yeah that's what you said last time hun"
"I know it's just he's a complete ass for no reason other than the fact that he derives pleasures from tormenting me and Satoshi i don't know!" Arakan went on.
"Look Arakan i know you are depressed with the death of your older brother, he did know that the job of a Helix soldier was very dangerous. But he had the thought and purpose to protect you and me, your father hasn't been himself since. His death has been hard on all of us Arakan, but you have to move on. Stop looking at the past look to the future!" The nurse told Arakan with a calm and somber manner towards the bleeding boy right before her. She stopped squeezing his nose once the bleeding stopped. "Arakan tell your dad i said hi!" The nurse told Arakan waving to him as he walked out.
"What is it Arakan?"
"Thanks for the talk. I needed it."
"Family of your dad is family to me"
The nurse got back to work as Arakan closed the door.
"Ah shit!. I totally forgot about Math!"
Arakan then heard the bell ring as he walked to his next class. As he walked up the stairs to the third floor he felt a hand touch his shoulder.
"Hey Arakan thanks for standing up for me!"
"Anything for my childhood friend!" Arakan said playfully punching Satoshi's arm.
"Sorry you got detention for a month"
"It's okay if i get detention. As long as it teaches that punk a lesson it's fine"
"Well look at big and tough Arakan over here!"
They both laughed as the got upstairs and walked to their 2nd class of the day. They then parted ways.
Then Arakan walked to his literature class and opened the door and walked in as he was greeted to the smell of rotten watermelons and the sight of a decayed classroom with water dripping from the ceiling, old and rusted metal chairs, a chalkboard with cracks in it, and the teachers desk which sat Mrs. Azami. He was hunched back on her wheel chair, she had old and wrinkly arms, legs, and hands with faded nail polish. Her skin was hanging on her bones like clothes on a hanger. Her glasses hung from her nose and looked like it would fall of at a moments notice. Her eyes looked into Arakan's very soul with the worst of intentions.
"Take a seat millennial" she said in a raspy voice that shocked any soul that heard her voice. To her she was a queen, to everyone else she was a monster and a old woman waiting for death to grab her soul and take her from this hell she called life.
Arakan took a seat. He grabbed his pencil from a one strap bag that he bought himself. It was black with little shades of red. He always loved the color black, it looked menacing and feared to people. The kind of image he wants everyone who made fun of him and his friends to see him as. He was a warrior in the works.
After Mrs. Azami took attendance she called out Arakan for the fight that occurred this morning as well as the death of President Nickolas Sevasfold. All the teachers were required to inform the students.
"Well kids looks to the foolish one in the back named Mr. Arakan Kibo, this idiot thought it would be great to fight again, and he got detention. I want you all to look to him as an example of what an idiot looks like." Mrs. Azami stated to the class.
"The asshole picked on my childhood friend of course i would stick up for him." Arakan Replied to Mrs. Azami and she gave him a look of disgust.
"In other news, I'm required by the whole damn world to say that Nickolas Sevasfold our precious president of the world, has unfortunately passed prematurely. So Vice President Scott Boryenka is taking his place as President of the world."
"So here's your assignment students" Mrs. Azami said. "Find out what is your inner demon and find out how you can evolve as a better person. It's a five paragraph essay due by Friday, so get WORKING!"

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