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Arakan and Satoshi got off the bus only to be greeted by their bullies Taishiro and Tatsuo. "Hey degenerates" Taishiro told Arakan and Satoshi. "Good, how are you?" Replied Arakan. Taishiro smirked at Arakan and grabbed something out of his bag. He then pulled out a condom filledwith his semen and he proceeded to throw it at Satoshi, covering him in semen. "Wow Satoshi you should save that shit at home not school!" Shouted Taishiro. Tatsuo nodded in agreement with Taishiro. "You're paying for it asshat!" Satoshi told angrily at the two bullies. "What's the matter Satoshi felling a little, wet?" Taishiro and Tatsuo both laughed at Satoshi. Arakan balled up his hand into a fist ready to Clock Tatsuo and Taishiro right in their smirking faces. Taishiro noticed this and walked up in Arakan's face and bumping chests with him. "You wanna go punk?, I'll knock your ass clean the fuck out bitch!" Shouted Taishiro looking down upon Arakan's face. To Arakan Taishiro was huge to him in size but not by much. Arakan rolled up his sleeves ready to fight him. "Maybe i do fuck face." Replied Arakan. Then a crowd of kids circled around them grabbing their phones to record the fight that would ensue. "Arakan you pussy, throw the first punch" screamed Taishiro. "No why don't you?" Replied Arakan. "Alright you asked for it!" Taishiro through a punch at his face but missed due to Arakan tilting his head to the right dodging the punch, leaving Taishiro open for attack. Arakan took advantage of the opening and lunged at Taishiro knocking them both on the ground. Once Arakan got Taishiro on the ground he then punched his eye with all his might giving Taishiro a black eye. "Motherfucker!" Taishiro screamed in agony from the shear pain of the blow from Arakan's punch. "Taishiro then put his arm on Arakan's back and proceeded to flip him knocking Arakan on his back. Arakan bit his tongue trying not to make noise from the pain.
Then a assistant principal walked through the crowd of students to try and break up the fight. "Alright knock it off already damn it! This is very immature!" He then separated Arakan and Taishiro picking them up from the ground and pushing them away from each other. "Both of you in my office NOW!" Screamed the AP.
In the Assistant Principle's office the fan from the roof was spinning with an occasional stop in motion here and there due to the school not being the best financially due to President Nick choosing to not invest in schools that much. Leaving to teachers getting paid less causing them to be grouchy and miserable due to them not getting paid the amount they used to get paid. On his wooden decrepit desk lie his paper work and a metal slab that  displayed his position in the school and his name which read "Kenji Kisho" in bold black letters. He had a shelf behind him and his computer that had many items like a budda statue, a picture of the Raidon Assassin clan, some katanas, and a cup with pencils in it. Kanji had a stern and frightening look on his face. "So you idiots have decided to fight, AGAIN!" Screamed Kanji. He began to rant. "You immature degenerates have decided it would be a good idea to fight again for the fourth time this month!, it's so frustrating and irritating to fill out these papers deciding your punishment, and also due to the fact that president of the world Nick seems to still want to keep these laws in check!". Arakan then stated that Nick died earlier this morning. Kanji replied in total shock. "Wait he did?, perfect finally we will get paid more!" Exclaimed Kanji with pure joy only to be broken when Taishiro added on the fact that the Vice President Scott who would be taking Nicks role as President of the World would still enforce the same rules. Kanji then turned his smile upside down. Kanji then mumbled to himself "You're fucking kidding me". He then sat down in his chair and regained his posture. "Well now you two will be put in detention for a whole month!" Kanji stated. Both of the boys replied in shock and anger. "What" they both said in unison. Arakan and Taishiro both argued back and forth at each other. "SILENCE!" Kanji demand. "OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW!" He screamed as the two left his office. Kanji then slammed the door shut.

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