Be My PA, Again

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"I don't understand . You said I'm going to be here as along as the drip channels are attached. Now I'm fine .Then why won't you let me go ?"

I'll never let you go . Arnav thought , a small smile curling his lips. But the next second he straightened and focused on handling his angry pretty sweetheart .

"The doctor comes to RM to check up on you. So you're here and that's final."

"No it's not !!"

Arnav closed his eyes, trying to reign his anger. When I say it's final then it's final dammit! 

"Khushi . Don't irk me ."

"Why are you so weird ? Why won't you let me go to my own house ?" Khushi cried , stomping her legs before rushing out of his room.

Payal ,who was standing near the door with a tray in her hand , came in and said ~"I think Amma and Buaji can mange from here , Arnav ji. You've helped a lot , and it will never be enough to thank you , but...she's right."

"No she's not and you're not allowed to join her squad. She"

"She's been resting for a month, Arnav ji .I don't even know how she managed to stay in one place for so long."

"Payal. I know what I'm doing."

Truth was , he didn't. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing ~ he hadn't confessed to her yet , and like a coward he still told himself that he was just intrigued ~ not in love as his Di believed , and he knew he couldn't keep her here forever under the pretext of medical checkups or something. Even his own family members were becoming suspicious of his behavior regarding Khushi.

He walked out of his room to talk to Khushi ~ he had no idea what he was going to talk about , but lately that had become a habit ~ he'd just go up to her and she would do the rest of the talking , gesturing with her hands wildly and making animated expressions that nearly knocked him out sometimes . He loved to simply stand there and look at her , zoning out on every thing around.

He spotted her sitting on the sofa downstairs , complaining to Laxmi .

"Who does he think he is , huh ? Laad governor. Have you ever heard some one stopping one from going to her own house ? He'll do such extravagant things , then he'll accuse me of of being middle class and taking advantage. And then he'll remind me of my status ."

As Khushi said the last two lines , her eyes became moist . She prattled on , complaining about Arnav to the goat who sat on her lap , looking oh~so~wise , bleating at intervals as if to agree with her.

Arnav felt heavy guilt crushing him from within . It was true ~ he'd never missed an opportunity in the past to remind her of her status , lashing out at her again and again as if it was her fault she was born middle class . 

How can I expect her to reciprocate my feelings ? I am the person who's hurt her the most. I'm the nightmare of her life.

He sighed . He didn't really want to send her home , but if she was really so unhappy here..

And suddenly , he knew how to fix it. 

Khushi was helping Nani to cut some dry fruits as she told her about her sathsang program a few days ago. Khushi was laughing listening to a particular story of a clueless singer who kept interrupting the verses , when she spotted her laad governor coming down the stairs with a stack of papers in his hand.

Why does he look so smug .Hey Devi Maiya , whenever he looks like that , he does something disastrous. Save me!! 

Anjali came and sat beside her quickly , spotting Chotte striding across the hall purposefully. She winked and laughed at his annoyed face as he was planning to sit beside Khushi, and seeing Anjali there he sat opposite her , putting the papers on the table.

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