Games and Mind games

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Arnav threw his blazer on the sofa, giving death glares to Anjali and NK. Khushi , with her tongue out in an effort to balance the pakodas and the tea in one tray, nearly made it to the center table before tripping. While Anjali caught the pakodas, she straightened up and looked at Arnav.

"Did you forget your laptop at home? Or is it the other one you took?"

''I don't know Khushi. People were too busy looking at my face the entire day.'' Arnav added, dramatically, as Anjali bit her lip in an effort to stop smiling.

" Never trust people, Khushi . Especially if it's your sister and brother - who, by the way , should be in Australia - say that nothing is wrong with you.''

''Kya anab shanab bole ja rahe hai aap?'' ( What are you talking about?'')

NK put his feet up on the table,  grabbing a plate of fried onion as he grinned at his enraged brother.

''Arre, Nannav, I've submitted my application. One project was left - I'll submit that online and then I'm hoping to weasel my way into your company!''

''Shut up!'' Arnav hissed, but he too grabbed a few pakodas .

''Will anyone explain ?'' Khushi sighed, sitting beside her husband and reaching for a cup. ''Why are you so mad at Di?''

''Di. Huh. Apparently when I walked out of the living room to go to a very important conference this morning, my darling Di  completely forgot to tell me there was  lipstick smeared across my face.''

As Anjali finally burst out laughing, Khushi severely choked on the tea that she'd just taken a sip of.

''Kya??! Woh..Subha..hai Devi Maiya !"

Arnav rolled his eyes as he patted a sputtering Khushi on the back.

''Thank God the clients were French. They simply awwwed and let it go. But Aman? He...that asshole is lucky he's so important to the company. I'd have thrown him to the dogs otherwise."

Their banter was cut short by Mami and Shauna, who'd just sauntered into the room. They made a splendid pair. Shauna had a few feathers stuck to her head, various sauce stains adorned her floral print  Chanel - some of which suspiciously looked like lemon tarts and pies, and her expression was akin to that of a startled racoon's. Mami , impossibly, looked enraged.

''Anjali bitiya, this ladki has no sense of etiquette. First she refused to acknowledge the existence of the gamewa. Then she insults my firends ! Do you know bhat she called Mrs. Choubey ? An old hag with a botox bag phor face wa !''

Khushi stared at Shauna with her mouth open, while everyone else rolled around laughing, even Arnav.

''Utterly impossible, this fancy ladki. ''

''Impossible? Impossible?? You and your stupid friends made me fetch tea, bake cookies, apply nail polish to that old hag's shrunken claw like nails, adjust your ridiculously overpriced earrings, then you call me  impossible? ''

''How dare you speak to Mami ji like that ? '' Anjali thundered, while NK nodded his head vigorously.

''You have any idea how many high society ladies you have enraged today? Calling them botox bags - really Shauna, after years in the fashion industry you should know better.'' Arnav said smoothly, entwining his fingers with Khushi's who was now staring at Shauna's dress.

''Shauna ji...what happened to your dress?''

Shauna was so steamed she even forgot to snap at Khushi. ''What do you think happens when you tell rich parents that their spoiled little bratty children are spoiled brats? This!" She pointed at her expensive silk evening dress.'' They throw their high sugar pies at you!"''

She whirled around to face Mami. '' By the way , the reason your vegan diet isn't working is those pies. You've seen how many calories one batch contains!''

''Enough! You will not talk to Mami like that ! Go to your room!''

Arnav roared, as Anjali snickered and added '' Guestroom'' under her breath.

''Took you long enough.'' Dadi complained, as Ajay ducked under the dusty curtains separating the porch from the sitting area. 

''I have company.'' he grumbled, slapping the cushions to get rid of some of the dust.

Dadi raised her eyebrows to see Shyam scuttling away from the clouds of dust as he awkwardly perched on the handle of the worn sofa. 

''I don't recall inviting you, Damad ji.'' Her voice cut through the dusty haze, startling Shyam.

''I have a right to be here. And how long have you two been meeting secretly?''

''You have no right anywhere. What we talk of is none of your business.''

''Dadi ji, can you imagine what Sale sahab might do if he knows about anything you did?''

''Are you threatening me , Damad ji ?''

''So what if I am?'' Shyam retorted, his lips curved in a sly smile of self victory.

''Then you'd know you  always need a leverage before threatening people. Ajay, why don't you show our dear Damad ji some beautiful pics?''

Shyam widened his eyes as he focused on Ajay's phone. A picture of him, face clearly recognizable, as he bent low under Anjali's car. From his expression and position of his hands, it was clear he was tampering with the brakes.

With a trembling finger, he pointed at the picture. Before his shaking lips could form a word, Dadi spoke again, her words whip like.'' Threatening Maliks is never a good idea, Shyam. This is just the tip of the iceberg . All your worth comes from your relation with Anjali, and her blind faith in you. You better  pray to whoever listening she doesn't ever lose her trust in you. The second she throws you out from her life, so do we. Keep your toad like mouth shut and take whatever we give.''

''A-and you expect m-me to just agree to that?'' Shyam stuttered.

Dadi smiled, her face transforming from scary to downright terrifying.'' Oh yes we do.''

Ajay lazily got up from the couch . '' Now scram, will you? We have stuff to discuss.''

Shyam straightened , and with great effort shuffled over to the curtain leading to the door of the cottage. 

''Ajay knows Khushi from Lucknow ! He's friends with her !!'' he burst out suddenly, swiveling around to catch Ajay's furious expression. 

Dadi still looked calm, but Shyam could tell she was surprised.

Didn't  know that, did you , you old goat?

''Leave, Damad ji , while you still can.'' Dadi said with forced calm, glancing out of the window to the hedges lining the sides of the cottage.

In the dim light of the lamp inside the sitting area, Shyam could just make out the protrusion of the metal tube poking through the bushes. Ajay chuckled inside.

''Really, Dadi ? You brought armed bodyguards in here ? What'd you think I was going to do - stab you in the back?''

''You better not.'' Dadi replied, her voice cold and meaningful. Ajay sobered up, his sarcastic smile morphing to a frown. 

Shyam waited no more. He scuttled over the gravel , trying to go as far away from the gun hidden in the bushes. The prospect of blackmailing Ajay into giving him more money was gone now - and his life was more precious than anything else. 

Hold your horses , people ! Arshi moments in the next chap!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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