Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Uncle Vic & Granny Rose (Mike’s grandmother talking on Skype)

Granny Rose: (smiling) I’m glad he came. Now, I would have to leave him with you, call me for updates Vic.

Uncle Vic: No problem Aunt Rose, anything for Mike. It’s been long years I think it’s time for him to get himself straight and by his age, I think being responsible and mature is not in his vocabulary yet, because if he was, he would not quit his job there in New York and leave you alone. And my god he’s already 29 were his friends already married and got kids but him? He hasn’t level up.

Granny Rosa: (slightly laughing) I’m worried of that too. That’s the reason why Mickey is force to come with you. I pressured him so much.

Uncle Vic: (Confused) Why?

Granny Rose: I’m trying to make him and Steph (Mike’s ex) to get back together and get married.

Uncle Vic: Oh! Toney’s (very close family friend also leaves in New York) youngest daughter? She’s a good kid. But I don’t think forcing Mike will do any good. You know Mike the more you force him the more he resist.

Granny Rose: He left me no choice. I’m old already; (sighing) I want to see him settle before I rest.  Anyway I am also going home next month if the doctor allows me, we’ll see each other by then and please don’t tell Mike yet.

Uncle Vic: Oh Aunt you are still long way to go and no problem Aunt Rose, see you then.

Conversation ended.

  The orientation ended well today with Mr. Micheal dela Rama. I toured him around the building from different departments acquainting with the director and team leaders and others staffs. I can tell his bored even other female staffs obviously flirting with him but he doesn’t care. I don’t know if all I told him sinks in to his mind because I can’t see the enthusiasm in him of what we are doing. After lunch break but he never came back.

Checking my watch 4:45pm, Mr. Mc kenzie called me to his office. “Set down Alexa but where’s Mike? Ahmmm let me guess, he went out already.” ask Mr. Mc kenzie. I just smiled at him confirming he is right and added. “After lunch and never came back.” “As expected but I’m glad he did show up. Have you prepared the next thing to do for tomorrow?” He added. “Yes Sir, I’ve already laid out a week job for him and that’s including a meeting with the CEO of the Aroma Enterprises.” my reply to Mr.Mc Kenzie. “Well done Alex. Thank you, you may go.”

 The next day,“So where are we having lunch?” He asks suddenly when on our way to the elevator up to our different offices the 16th floor. I look at him and confused does he wants me to buy lunch for him? Or he wants to go lunch with me? Or is he inviting me for lunch? Because I really can’t figure it out. He is my boss and I’m just one of his staff I never had a chance in my entire work here in D.L Rama Corp. to have lunch with my boss, only the team leaders but no beyond.  Just to cover up that I don’t understand which of those I mindedly ask is what he meant by his questions I check my watch; it is still 11:25 am. “Oh are you going to wait till 12? But I’m already starving.” He probably understands that I’m also trying to tell him is not time yet while rubbing his stomach. Entering the elevator I ask. “Where do you want to eat? Shall I make a reservation for you?” “Never mind we’ll go where you usually eat.” He said without looking at me and presses the “B” button of the elevator instead of the 16th. I have no time to react because we are going down. And looking at him he’ll not take no for an answer.

 I manage to take him to a homemade cook food, one of my favorite places called Mama Mia Food House. And I already well acquainted with the cook. We choose to set at the corner, good for only two persons. There are only few customers since it wasn’t 12 o’clock yet. Michael look around seems admiring the place. “Nice. It has the relaxing ambiance.” “Yep that’s why I brought you here, wait until you taste their food and since you like it here, you will be the one to pay our lunch.” Emphasizing the you when I said it. He just laughs, ah so cute and says, “How could I let a woman pay for lunch?” He says, At least he is considerate.

I took my first bite of my lasagna it taste wonderful all the time and observe Michael who is silently and slowly chewing his food and who is seating across mine. After a while, “What are the best places to hang out at night?” he asks. It takes a minute before I answered him. “Hhhhmmmm I don’t know Sir, I really can’t think of any.” He looks at me like I was kidding or dumb. Well okay I know it’s kind of dumb but I really don’t know what he likes. “I’m not dumb. I don’t usually hang out or go out at night. I will only go out during family occasion, nothing more.” I added. “Huh!? What a boring life you have Miss big foot.” “Boring? I just don’t understand people always define others as boring when they don’t find a person doing what they are doing.” My reply to him while looking straight at him. He just smiled and “You know it’s a trend, girls like to party at night and have fun.” “Well I am not just any other girl; I have a lot of important things in mind than to waste my time partying.” I declared to him with a little bit of arrogance. I have my family and very good friends, and when I’m with them seeing them in good shape it seems I couldn’t ask for more.

 At home after washing the dinner plates checking my watch its 9:10pm but Alice my younger sister is not home yet. “Where is she? She should be here by now.” I texted a couple of messages asking her whereabouts’ and what make her too long. If mother would find out she will be so much worried I don’t want her to worry its not good for her heart. She is probably doing project. I decided to wait for her outside, but before going out I checked my mother and caught her sleeping already.

 I’m at the lawn, I like the silent it brings the atmosphere, starry night, crickets’ chirping it’s so good to the air and not scary at all, and our place is safe even if you will walk at 3:00am in the morning alone. I like this neighborhood we’ve been here for 10 years already. Suddenly my cell phone rings. “It’s Alice.” I pick up my phone and pressed the receiver button. “Hello? Alice! Where are you?” I’ve heard loud music from the background.”Hello!,hello lex. Hello wait I can’t hear you.” It’s Alice from the other line. “Alice? Where are you? What’s with the loud music?” “Lex, could you come and help me? I’ll text you the address.” “What? Where are you? What happened?” After Alice texted me the address I hurriedly went to the said address. “Flaming Ego Bar? What is she doing in that kind of place? You’ll be a dead girl. I thought you are doing project but what the hell it’s a bar, you are so dead.”

A nice quote below:

"It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not."

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