Day 6

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4/24/36 9:38pm

We finally go on the hunt for the supplies needed to at least give the clan a chance of survival in this idiotic planet. We run and collect food and hunt animals for the meat and hide of the animal. We try to outrun anything that tries to attack or pick us off one by one. We notice nightfall is a already here and that we have a probability of dying but that is a risk that we are willing to take this will hopefully not be our last hunt together. We are on our way back to the camp when we are confronted by one of the creatures they surround us silently hiding in the shadows of the forest as one of them pounces at me and silver I manage to get silver and myself out of the way. As I pull Silver out of the way I hear Kuro yell at me "u idiot be careful with the child". Then it struck me why Silver and Kuro were acting so different she has a child on the way. I am to distracted to notice another one of the creatures pounce at me and tackle me. I look up at the creature before Silver tackles the creature off of me. I see the way it looks, the creature has huge teeth, white eyes, a huge head, a tone of grey in its skin, its teeth can easily be seen that they might not only have one row of teeth both upper and lower jaw they have around 6 rows of teeth, and its eyes while they are white they have a clear kind of bubble in their eyes in which you can see both the items and the souls of what they have destroyed or devoured. Silver immediately tackles the creature off of me as I get up I see Kuro freak out as he yells "Be careful silver don't hurt the child" he also yells at me "If anything happens to that child or Silver I will make sure you suffer as much as I will if that happens". I get up and run to Silver and help her with the "alien" we pull our hunting knifes and stab the creature before it can attack either Silver, me, or anyone else in our hunting party. We start trying to skin the creature as the other members fend the other creatures off we manage to skin the alien like thing and take the skin with us. We head back to the clan and of course Kuro starts yelling at both me and Silver "You have to be safer than that what would have happened if you had died what would be of me remember the child is ours not just yours". "Kuro shut up she did what she had to and besides if I had known she wouldn't have gone hunting even though we need her must I remind you she is the elite hunter in the clan so get in your place and stay in it" I yell back. I take Silver back to her quarters and make her lay down and I lock her in. She starts hitting the door so desperately wanting to get out of the room as I ordered two of the guards to watch the door carefully and only feed her sometimes. I take Kuro back to Silver's quarters and throw him in as well and say "you guys need to get your shit together so you will remain in there until we have another hunt party I can't deal with the thought that Silver and the "child" could have died and what would you do just stand there". I walk out and lock the door and put the guards back. I think to myself and think and think until I finally found what worried me so much that Kuro and Silver would escape and conspire against me and almost kill me while yes I am alpha they wont care if they get exiled so I might just let Silver out by the night because Robbie will want to use the supplies for another stupid party of his at night and I want to have another hunt for supplies and of course both of them are our top hunters and I kind of need them due to the fact that they are my advisers. I go back to the quarters and let Silver out before she goes crazy enough to try and kill me. Thankfully I did when she was still sane. All hail the great kings above.

From the Journals of D. Hernandez

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