I'm Not Going Anywhere

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"I'm so sorry Mr Cavanaugh but your test results show you have cancer."

Toby grabbed hold of Spencer's hand tight when the doctor said those words. She could see he was trying to hold the tears back for her. He's so young, she thought. He's so fucking young. What kind of 22 year old gets diagnosed with cancer? She'd seen it on the news and read about it but never thought Toby, her Toby, the sweetest most kind and caring boyfriend would ever get such a horrible thing. 

Toby gave her a quick glance with his reassuring smile. "I'll be fine Spence, I'm not going anywhere. I'll start treatment and I'll be good as new, right doctor?"

The doctor nodded. "Since we caught the cancer quite early we'll start treatment right away, to stop it from spreading and give Toby a better chance of survival."

She squeezed his hand and smiled back. "I know you'll be ok, you're Toby Cavanaugh, you've been through worse than this."

"Yeah." Toby responded. "I've been through worse. Like meeting you're parents for the first time."

She laughed at his comment but there was no denying the look of complete fear in his eyes.


Toby started treatment immediately, since the cancer wasn't very advanced. The chemo made him tired and weak so they had barely left the house in months. On this particular day they were curled up on the couch together.

"How are you feeling today?" She asked worriedly.

He sighed. She'd constantly ask him how he was and treat him like a fragile china doll. "I'm fine Spence, just like when you asked me the same question five minutes ago."

"Right, yeah." She snuggled back down into his chest.

"You know what?" He said, sitting up suddenly. "Let's go for a run, just like we used to do. What do you say?"

She looked at him her face lined with fear and worry. "I-If you're up to it I guess..."

"Great." He stood up and stretched. "You ready to loose?"

"I think you'll find you'll be the one loosing Cavanaugh." She smirked.


Their feet pounded on the gravel driveway as they both raced to complete another lap around the Hastings Manor.

"Lap five! And I win again!" Spencer grinned throwing her arms up in victory.

"One more lap, whoever wins this is the winner of all laps." Toby panted, determined to beat her. "On the count of five. 5, 4, 3..."

"1!" She yelled, bolting down the drive.

"Cheater!" He grunted as he raced after her.

He turned the first corner when a wave of dizziness and nausea hit him. He stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Spencer...!" He mumbled before loosing consciousness.

Spencer rounded the last corner of the Manor, intent on keeping her victory streak.

"And...I win again!" She yelled, expecting to see Toby puffing and panting behind her. "Toby?"

She looked round the corner, thinking maybe he fell behind, but saw no Toby.

She started to jog back round the track. "Toby I swear if this is one of your games I-" She was cut short by the sight of Toby's body lying lifeless on the ground.

"Toby!" She screamed, running towards him.

She turned him over, shaking him frantically, looking for any signs of life. She checked for a pulse. It was there. He was alive. She pulled out her phone and dialled 911.

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