Leo & Calypso

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All I could feel was sand.

Sand in my eyes, sand on my face, in my mouth and in other unwanted areas. So much sand!

I rolled over, onto my back and quickly shielded my eyes from the damn bright sun. I groaned as I slowly sat up, spitting out the sand as I gave a quick 360 look of where I was.

A beach. A tropical beach. Probably in the middle of... nowhere!

Oh my gods! Calypso! Calypso live on a tropical beach!

I quickly got to my feet and started running. I don't know where I was running to, I just ran- yelling out her name, hoping against hope that she would reply.

"Leo? LEO! VALDEZ!" I skidded to a halt and looked behind me. Sure enough, she stood there, just on of the forest edge, where the tropics met the sand. She looked more beautiful then I could remember. Her smile and the way the sunlight caught her eyes...

"Calypso! I'm back! I told you that I'ld be back!" I spread my arms out, just to prove my point. She gave a joyful laugh and ran to me.

I caught her in my arms and spun her around, overwhelmed with happiness. Thank the Fates I found this place again!

"Leo," she pulled away and looked me "I don't understand, I thought I would never see you again!"

"I made you a promise, and I stick by my promises! I love Calypso and I'm prepared to spend the rest of my life on this island, with you!"

"Oh, Leo." She placed a smooth hand against my cheek and I automatically placed my own over it.

"So, four months and no kiss? You know I helped save the world! Doesn't the hero get the girl in the end?" I wiggled my eyebrows flirtatiously. Her laugh was music to my ears.

"Indeed, you are right." She leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Is that all I get? I fought Mother Earth for god's sake!"

"For now. The rest comes after you told me all about your heroic adventure! Come on!" She tugged on my arm and dragged me off to the forest. I was giddy with love.

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