Percy & Annabeth

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"Hey Percy." Slowly, I took a seat by his bed and reached to hold his hand. He looked so peaceful, like he was sleeping, with no dreams or nightmares. "I hope you wake up soon because I'm really missing you. I miss your eyes, your stupid smile, even your Seaweedbrain comments." I tried to pull a smile through the spilled tears as I rubbed my thumb over his palm, hoping this time he would respond, but it was just like every other time. Nothing.

Brushing away my tears, I put on my strong face. Crying would only make it worse. "So, I came here to tell you what everyone's been up to. Jason and Piper got married, they really wish you were there but you..." I sniffed at the thought. "You know, at the wedding reception, Leo was trying to dance and Travis and Katie tripped him over- he went face first into the cake!" I gave a half-hearted laugh, hoping he would laugh too, but he didn't. "Frank officially became Praetor of Camp Jupiter- Reyna stepped down and joined her sister and the Amazon's. Leo built a boat and plans on finding Calypso, and Grover's going to be a dad- can you believe it? Grover wants you to be the godfather. Tyson, Sally and Paul really miss you, too. They want to see you again." Percy stayed motionless in the bed, his chest rose and fell painfully slowly.

"It seems like everyone's finding their little happy ever afters, so why is it so hard for us to do the same? Whilst you've been in your coma, I've had a lot of time to think and I've been thinking about the future you planned out for us- you know moving to New Rome, getting married, having kids- the thing is, I don't think I ever got the chance to give you my answer." I gave another small smile, it was a wonderful dream, one I so desperately wanted to come true. "And my answer is: I want the same thing... You just have to wake up. So Percy, I know you can hear me- can you please wake up. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for your mum, your friends, your future children. Do it for me, please. Percy?" He continued to stay still, the heart monitor; slowly but steadily beeped.

"Percy, I'm scared." I whispered, worried that someone would hear. That he would hear. "I'm scared that your going to leave me. I don't want you to go. I'm not ready to say goodbye." I took his hand with both of mine, desperate for a response. "Don't give up on us, please, Percy! Your a hero, fight this, I don't want you to go." I could feel the tears falling freely, now as I rested my head in my arms, overwhelmed with grief. "I don't want you to go." I muttered again.  

"Annabeth?" It came so softly, I thought that maybe, just maybe, it was him, but it wasn't. Percy still lay fast asleep, not even aware of anything around him. Malcolm lay a comforting hand on my shoulder as I attempted to wipe away my tears. The sign of my weakness.

"What is it?" My voice cracked, just a little. 

"Chiron's going to call curfew soon, you need to come back to the cabin." He voice was sincere and understanding. I didn't bother to look up at him.

"Okay, I'll be there soon, just give me a minute."

"Annabeth, promise me you'll come and not stay here like last time- Percy will be here tomorrow."

"I promise." Turning around, I gazed up at him. "Malcolm, I promise." He looked thoughtful before an exhausted sigh escaped his mouth.

"Alright." I watched as he turned and left, giving me one final look before walking out the door.

I looked back at the pale form on the bed and let out a sigh of my own. Leaning forth, I gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Come back, Seaweedbrain."

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