Chapter 4

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Ella's P.O.V.

I wake up to my alarm going off like crazy. I roll over, slap the alarm and try to go back to sleep. Not 5 minutes later, it goes off again.




I slap it again, it falls on the floor, still going off. I sigh, and decide I should get out of bed. I grab the alarm off the floor and unplug it, but before I do, I see on the dark green analog display that it is 6:30. 6:30?! Jeez, if they don't give me coffee or some sort of caffeine, I swear I will kill someone. I mean, I will soon... Wait, what day is it? I turn my attention toward the back wall of my room, which is just one big display screen. I ask it, "What day is it?" The screen changes from a peaceful, flowery koi pond landscape, to a giant calendar. A day is circled; Monday, May 6th, 'The Hunger Games Start'.

It's Monday.

A week ago, I came here on a monorail, contemplating my life. Wondering if I had wasted 13 years on training for this stupid event. I never said anything to anyone in my entire district what I thought, but honestly, I always thought it was sad how we spent our lives ready to kill, fight, defend ourselves from death and bringing it to others. No one questioned it. Ever. But on that monorail, on the way to a battle to the death, I questioned it. I knew I had wasted my life, and now, the day is here. In about two hours, I will be in The Hunger Games. Ready to kill, ready to fight and defend myself...

But I'm not ready to die.

I absentmindedly put on my Hunger Games approved uniform, brush my hair, walk out into the main living area and talk to my instructor, Olaffen. But it's just words.

An hour passes.

I walk out into the hallway outside our apartment where the glass elevator is. We walk inside. I hear Olaffen talking to me. Explaining where we are going, what we are doing, how it will go. I nod, watching the floors pass by us minute by minute, but I'm not listening. I don't remember anything after we stepped out of the elevator. I know we were walking through rooms, down stairs, around corners and into another elevator. But then we were there. We were in a small, light blue circular room. At the end of the room was a human sized glass tube, that in about ten minutes I will step inside, the tube's door will close, and I will be lifted upwards up to ground level. A ten second long timer will start, then, the doors will open and the Games will start. Just like that.

I felt sick. I didn't want to be here. I want to leave. But even if I could, I wouldn't. If I went home, I would be shamed, isolated. No one would talk to me, and if they did, it would be about what a disappointment I am. District 1 makes the Hunger Games a big deal, yeah, but a lot more than anyone would ever think.

I would rather die here than go home.

Sydney's P.O.V.


I shift my sleeping position.

"Sydney! Sydney are you awake?"

I roll over.


I sit straight up, and look over at my bedroom door, where the voice is coming from.

"SYDNEY! GET UP NOW!" "SHUT UP! I'M AWAKE!" I answer, to who I now know is my instructor, Rach. "GET DRESSED! WE ARE LATE!" Late?...late for what? I turn towards my wall, but decided not to ask it, because I still don't totally agree with the fact that they spent thousands of dollars, just to make an entire wall, a giant voice-activated assistant. Weirdos... I get dressed, taking my time, while Rach is screaming at me from the other side of my door. Then, I slowly open the door. "Yes?" Rach is red in the face, not that their face wasn't red to begin with. They just looked like they had a big red beach ball for a head now. They took a deep breath, looked me straight in the eye, and said, absolutely furious and nervous, "We are late for the Hunger Games, you lazy little (I'll leave the swear word to your imagination)." I was taken aback from this. it Monday?! No, that can't be! Yesterday, it was Sunday. So it is Monday, and I'm late to get in position for the Hunger Games. "When do the Games start?" They look even more exasperated then before. "6 minutes. We need to go now." "Then let's go, jeez!"

We both start running at the same time, out of the apartment, but as we pass by the kitchen, I quickly grab a yogurt and a spoon, much to Rach's screams. Then I follow them, sprinting out the door, as I take the lid off the yogurt and try to eat it while running. I barely get a bite in.

After two hallways, an elevator and three flights of stairs, we only have one more room left then an elevator, and we will make it just in time! I rush through a large makeup room, full of hairspray, hair salon chairs, boxes of makeup and cords everywhere. As soon as I walk through the door 20 feet in front of me, I will have my yogurt taken away, and I am so hungry! I'll try one more time to take a bite. I take my spoon as if in slow motion, I dip it in the yogurt, reach the spoonful of strawberry bliss up to my mouth, and suddenly, the ground gives way. I tripped on a thick hair dryer cord that was lengthened to go across the room. The spoon moves on its own, making its way towards my mouth as I fall to the floor in slow motion. Then, I hit the floor, feeling the spoon full of yogurt hit the inside of my mouth, and I fall unconscious.

Ella, Canyon, Leah, AavaA, Sasha, Celia, Myla, Jasper, Buna, Myla and Allison's P.O.V.

As I'm stepping into the circular tube, getting in position to leave, the speakers make a sound and turn on. Strange...No one ever talks on the speakers right before the Games... Then, the familiar voice of the person who counts down the Hunger Games, comes over the speaker. What is going on?! "This has never happened in the entire history of the Hunger Games, much less directly before it. District 3's tribute will not be competing in the Hunger Games, for she, Sydney has died." The loud sound of a cannon rings from overhead. The sign of a tribute's death. A short silence follows this. Then, the automated robotic voice of a female comes over the speaker. "Please step into your capsule and stay fully still. The Hunger Games will start shortly."

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