Chapter 9

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Jasper's P.O.V.

The days have been getting tougher. Yesterday, while Sasha and I were having a conversation, laughing about the Capitol and it's insane sense of style, three cannons went off. Each a few minutes apart from each other. We just looked at the other, and didn't talk for the rest of the day.

Today, we didn't talk for most of the day either, until the afternoon, when we were sitting on a stump together, Sasha leaned over and said, "I don't want to win anymore." I looked over at her, shocked at her talking to me. "What?" I ask.

Sasha looked at me, sadness in her eyes. "I don't want to win the Hunger Games anymore. At first, I thought I wouldn't make it this far, you know, with Canyon and Naya and Leah and everything. But, now that I'm here, partnered with you, I have a higher chance of surviving. But I don't want to. Win, that is." Sasha looks away. "Yeah, I get that, I guess." I answer. "Yeah...and if I do die, I don't want it to look like a gory scene. You know, like, I'm laying on the ground, blood coming from everywhere, my chest ripped open and Canyon cackling with my heart in his hands." I laugh a bit under my breath. She laughs a bit too after hearing me. "But, like I said, I don't want it to be a huge scene. I want something quick, not too gory, and maybe something that catches me by surprise. Anything like that would be fine." The tone turns more serious.

Sasha stares at the ground in front of her, lost in thought. "I just...don't want to win this awful game. The Capitol doesn't deserve a show." Sasha gets up, and looks me in the face. "Sorry to be depressing. Just, thought I would say that." She walks away, sadly.

I wish she hadn't said that.

I knew this would happen. I even warned myself not to get caught up with partners and making friends. But, I couldn't help it. I was stupid, I made friends, I created a bond with someone and now it's my fault.

I know what I have to do.

But, I don't want to do it.

I have to.

I wait a day. Anxiety like you wouldn't believe infests my body every waking hour. I barely talk to her anymore. Only answering by saying "Yes" or "No". Sasha can tell something is off, but she has no idea.



"Hey Sasha?" She turns around suddenly, smiling. "Yes Jasper?" God, please don't smile. "I was wondering if you could go get some more water? We'll probably run out soon." Please don't say yes. "Sure! The water filter is in the backpack right?" She walks over to our backpack, feels it from the outside and puts it on. "See you in about 15 minutes, ok?" "Yep!" Please, don't leave me. She waves at me, and walks out towards the path we made to the pond. I wave. No, please don't go. Don't leave me alone. I walk back over to our camp by the tree, and prepare. Don't do this. After gathering all the things I need, I walk down the path Sasha had gone down to the pond. I find the perfect spot in between two very sturdy trees, and start to set it up.

I wrap the ropes around the trees. I make sure every rope's in the right place, that the angle's just right, that it's tight enough, and finally, after five minutes of mindless work, it's done. I stand back to look at my creation.

And immediately turn away.

I can't look at it.

It makes me nauseous in a way I can't describe.

I run back to our camp, making sure to make as little noise as possible, when I make it there. I climb swiftly up the tree, taller than I ever did before. I make to a little crook in the tree near the top, I secure myself in with two ropes, wrap my arms around my knees and hide my head in between my legs. All there's left to do is wait. Oh god, the wait.

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