Happiness is something you can have all the time. Even on the bad days you can be truly happy. Even when you're sad you can be happy. I know it sounds impossible but it's not. Several people I know, including myself, have achieved constant happiness. You need to focus on the positives. That's the biggest and most important step. Find those positives. You also need to live in the moment. Don't fear the future. Don't regret the past. Live for the present. Feel what's happening around you. If you're having a "bad" day, feel it. Then fix it. Remember no day is all bad. And most things you worry about don't happen. Sit down, find the positives in the day and fix the negatives. It always works out in the end. Don't stress about it before you need too. Spread kindness. Smile randomly. Laugh daily. Relax every night, don't overwork yourself. Focus on the positives. Let yourself be happy. Take flight, fly above the clouds.
Fly Above The Clouds
SpiritualBe happy. Spread love. Soar above all your troubles. Fly Above The Clouds