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Hello lovely people! I'm starting this new fanfic and I hope you enjooy it. I'll still be updating 'Save You Tonight' once in a while along with this one :) extremly excited for feedback. Thanks, love you. 

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Kiss Me. Prologue.

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I could sense the distress in his eyes while I sat in front of him after I explained my situation. Yes, indeed I was moving to London with my mother. In a way, I was glad my mum was finally able to be free of her drug addict of a husband, but it depressed me even having the thought of ever leaving the face in front of me. I loved him with all my heart.

I had grown to constantly being regretted by a man named Russell, who I deeply despised. Although my birth certificate might declare him my father, I had no attention of ever calling him that. He wasn’t there to hold my tiny fingers when I took my first step. He wasn’t there to hold my seat when I first learned how to ride my bicycle. He wasn’t there for anything. Instead, he would repetitively tell me he hated me. ‘You weren’t meant to be born’ he would say, or ‘you’re mother should have gotten an abortion’. Now you be the judge, was he likely to be called a father? I’ve seen him hit my mother, a horrific and traumatizing experience; however, she would never let me hear the pain in her voice. I knew she hurt. I just wanted it all to go away from my life. I didn’t want him near us. He would come home drunk almost every night and my mum would usher me to go into my bedroom and lock my door. Being behind a thin wooden wall didn’t make the noises go away. The yelling. The shattering of the glass. None of it. I would ask my mom why we couldn’t just leave him. I still remember the look of pure sorrow in her eyes when she told me she loved him. I couldn’t understand why she would love a man like him. He didn’t deserve to have but he didn’t give.

After a terrible childhood, I got tired of seeing him beat her up just because he was stronger than her. I was scared for her, and she finally had agreed to divorce him after so long. She didn’t want to live in Homes Chapel anymore, and so she decided she wanted to move somewhere else, a place where she wasn’t reminded of everything we had to go through.


We were sat in a dingy, old café in town, trying to find a solution to how we would be able to keep seeing each other. Of course I didn’t want to break up with him then, he was my only comfort. I felt safe with him, like with none other. I felt as if nothing could ever tear me down when I was with him. He would hold me tight in his arms when I snuck out of my room to see him while my parents were bickering. He would sing silently and let me fall asleep curled up against his chest. But I already knew the answer, and it wasn’t the one I preferred. I remember him telling me that he hated long-distance relationships and how they never worked for him, and I certainly was definitely nothing special in his world. I would rather have him be happy than force him into something he can’t be committed to.

I smiled softly and let the words slip out of my mouth, “Harry, we need to break up.”

His eyes instantly shot up at my words, pure shock written on his face. “A-are you being serious?”

“I’ve thought over it. We won’t be able to keep the relationship going.” My heart was beating rapidly against my chest as those words flew out of my mouth, they were a complete lie.

“So, you’re breaking up with me?” he questioned, and I nodded. “That’s it?”

“Well, do you want me to cry and drag you with me then?” I laughed.

He looked sternly at me in silence, his deep green eyes fixed with my own. “Why does it feel like this was way too easy?”

I shrugged and took a sip of my tea, still aware of his gaze on me.

“Promise we’ll still be friends and talk to each other?” I looked up at his serious face, a face I’d fallen in love with. An image that was stamped on my heart.

“I’ll try my best…” I answered, saying somewhat of the truth. I didn’t want to be reminded of the memories he would bring back of us being together. Maybe it was a good thing to go with my mom, not like he was in love with me.  

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