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Chaeyoung gave a big yawn, feeling tired. Last night was definitely an experience she'll never forget. For the first time she was able to touch someone. Ghosts can't touch people, their hands go through the person. Last night she was able to touch and talk to a beautiful looking exorcist she can't get out of her mind.

Mina was her name. She immediately hid in a bathroom stall when her partner rushed in after defeating the evil ghost. It was her first time hiding from someone like that. Since she's a ghost, people can't see her. There is no need to hide at all. Knowing that both of them were working together meant that they were both able to see and talk to ghosts. She hid and watched discreetly as Mina's partner called out to her. She witnessed the tall girl call someone and then seeing paramedics come into the scene in mere minutes.

These exorcists must be no joke. Chaeyoung thought as she sat down at an outdoor restaurant table. She began to wonder for Mina's well being. Was she alright? Was the injury serious? Is she still alive? All of these thoughts kept occuring inside her mind.

A sudden memory came to her. It was when the exorcist started to regret not living her life to the fullest. When she offered her help to Mina, she wasn't expecting that much of a request. When the beautiful girl under her said she has never been kissed before, how can she decline? How can such a beautiful person not be kissed? Pressing her lips against the exorcists made her feel as if time had stopped. She stopped when she saw a vision.


It wasn't the sensation of being kissed. It was an actual vision, a memory. Kissing this woman had triggered a deep memory she had long forgotten. It was a grand display at fireworks in the night sky.

Chaeyoung doesn't remember anything from her past life. She didn't know how she died or how did she become a ghost. Not even her own name did she remember. The only reason why she knows her name is because of her name tag on her school uniform. She was left wondering for two years and for the first time, she saw a second of a memory by pressing her lips against the only person who can see her for the first time.

"Long time no see!" A red haired ghost appeared by her side. She sat opposite to Chaeyoung, a bright smile on her face as always. "Yo, Ji-U" Chaeyoung gave a simple greeting in return.  She turned in her seat, resting her head on her arm. A tiny yawn escaped her lips once again.

(A/N: This is Ji-U from Dreamcatcher

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(A/N: This is Ji-U from Dreamcatcher. A wonderful leader to a wonderful group c: )

"Are you okay? It looks like you haven't slept." Ji-U asked as she noticed how down Chaeyoung looked.

"Something like that." Chaeyoung waved off.

"Where have you been, hm? Still trying to figure out which school matches your uniform?" Ji-U asked.

"I checked the last three in the city. None of it matches." For the past two years Chaeyoung has been searching every school within the city to try to guess what school is she from. Unfortunately the results she gets aren't the ones shes desiring. If the uniforms are similar, she checks the school yearbooks. Unfortunately she has yet to come across her name nor picture.

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