20.Tee's Past

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TikTok ban has been lifted off from India. WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!?????? (T_T)

If you want lift ban from something then do it from Porn instead na. :/


I won't be able to update any of my story  from Friday till Monday, i.e from 26th April- 29th April, because I am going out of town for family function. I don't use mobile phone , so yeah...see you guys on Tuesday.

Forgive my grammar mistakes

Tae's POV

As soon as the door was open,scene in front of me made me drop keys from my hand.

Dan was sitting near Tee saying something to him and Tee was looking scared a bit.



They both flinched due to my sudden outburst.

"T-Tae..how come you are early?" Dan said.

How the hell he know when I was going to arrive?

As soon as Tee see me, he came running towards me and hug me tightly.

I don't care what this bastard says about my Tee, I know who is real asshole here and I have full faith on my Tee that he will never anything like what Dan said.

I cupped his face and gave him a tender kiss.

I look at Dan, he was fuming with anger.

"Are you okay baby?" I ask Tee.

He nodded, but he kept hugging me.

"Seriously Tee?? After all this??? You are still choosing this jerk?Just like you did few years ago??" Dan said.

Choose me few years ago??

I gave a questionable look to Tee, he didn't say anything. I guess it's time we need to talk.

"Dan are you going to get out of here by your own or do you want me to call police and make them arrest you for crime of threatening my Tee?" I said.

"But I didn't threatened him." he said getting angry.

"You know it, but cops don't. So just get lost before I kill you from my hands." I said in cold tone.

He gave a death glare to me and leave the house.

I lock the main door from inside and took Tee inside his bedroom. I made him lay down on bed and I laid besides him, and hug him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said.

He nodded and said," I think it's time you should know everything about me now P'Tae. But let me ask you one thing first, how did you know him?"

I hug him tightly and said,"He is the one who mixed shrimps in your food that day."

His eyes went wide, I can see anger forming in his eyes. He didn't say anything and start narrating his story.

"Me and Dan were very good friends in school. We both were interested in making our career in entertainment industry.Everything was going fine until one day...."

Flashback(Tee's POV)

"Ai'Tee what are you doing after school?" -Dan

"I am going for acting class I told you about, remember?" 

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