24. Second Date!

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{a/n: Tee will be dead in this chapter *evil laugh*}

Forgive my grammar mistakes

Watermelon warning 


Tee's POV

We were driving towards our second date. I was so excited, I hope that it will not end up in hospital like last time. 

I was wondering what Jay could have planned for me and P'Tae from far away, I am pretty sure it will be as good as the last one. 

After driving for around twenty mins we reach the said place. It was an open kind of restaurant where you can sit under stars and enjoy your meal with your loved one.

We went  inside and went towards out reserved seat.

Wow!!! I must say that Jay has a very good choice when it comes to dating, I am sure Peach will be very happy with Jay.

Wow!!! I must say that Jay has a very good choice when it comes to dating, I am sure Peach will be very happy with Jay

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"Come sit." P'Tae said while dragging chair. I take my seat. P'Tae sit across me.

My hands were on table and eyes were busy admiring the place.

"Let's eat, shall we." he said holding my hand.

I look at food, I hesitated a bit before eating it. P'Tae  hold my both hand and gave me a gentle smile.

"It's okay, this food is fine. It was made my Jay's mom, she insisted to do so. You can eat it without worry, okay?"

I smiled at him and nodded.

We ate our food while staring at each other , P'Tae was giving me flirtatious look from time to time.

What is he up to??

After we finished eating, he drive me towards other destination. During our drive he was glancing at me every now and then. And whenever I catch him looking at me, he blow a kiss towards me.

seriously, what's wrong with him??

I shook my head, after driving for a while we were outside the city. He stop his car at a place and ask me to hop outside.

"Let's go baby?" he said and offer his hand to me.

"Where are we going??"

"You'll know soon, love." he winked at me.


He hold my hand and bring me to a hill, we can see almost whole city from this place, it was amazing.

"You love stargazing na baby??"

I nodded.

"Then look up."

I lift my head up and was amazed to see so many stars.

I lift my head up and was amazed to see so many stars

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