27.Family Time

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Because I love this person's editing skills.

Forgive my grammar mistakes

No proofread

Tae's POV

I woke up with Tee's body wrap around me, he was sleeping peacefully in my embrace. I look at his face, he looks like a baby when he sleeps. I smile and peck his forehead "I love you my cuTee", I whisper to him and embrace him again.

I guess he need to relax a bit, yesterday event has hurt him, not only him but his brothers too. I know they were hurt too by their grandfather's behavior but they didn't show it in front of Tee. I need to do something for all of them, to cheer them.

I slowly free myself from Tee's embrace and get up from bed. I put the pillow in front of him, I know ever since we started dating he can't sleep without embracing something or someone. If it's not me then he embrace pillow instead.


Huh!! I turn around and look at Tee, he was mumbling in his sleep.

"Mom...dad...don't leave me...please.." he was mumbling with tears coming out from his eyes.

He must be missing his parents. 

Bas and Copter once told me that whenever Tee is very sick or he is hurt very much then he dream about their parents. I guess he searches for his parents love when he is hurt.

I went near him again, lay myself down besides him and embrace him. I whispered few loving thing into his ears which sooth him down and he was sleeping peacefully now.

Finally I get up from bed, did my morning routine. After that, I cook breakfast for everyone, since it was weekend so everyone was at home. After cooking I knock on Bas's and Copter's door to wake them up, in the end I went inside Tee's room to wake him up.

"Tee baby...wake up." I said patting his cheeks lighlty.

"Ummm..five mole miwnets.." he said in baby voice.

So cute

I chuckle and said,"No baby, it's half past nine already. You need to get up now, I need to take you to some place also."

He finally open his eyes."Where?"

"It's a surprise, but first get up, I have prepared breakfast for everyone." 

He sat on bed open his arms wide,"Pic me up na love."

This guy is going to kill me with his cuteness.

I went near him and pull him up in my arms and drop him in bathroom after giving peck on his lips.

I went out in kitchen, Bas and Copter were already sitting on dinning table.

"Eat your breakfast and get ready, we all are going out." I said while serving them breakfast.

"Where phi?" Copter said.

"You'll know soon, it's a surprise for you." 

"Not fair phi." Bas said pouting a bit.

I chuckle and ruffle his hair. Tee came out from his room too, I serve him and myself breakfast and start digging.

"P'Taeeeeeeeeeee." Tee said.

"Yes baby."

"P'Tae krub."

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