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A cold breeze brushes past Emma and Sarah as they look over the snow covered ground. Smiles of bliss rests on the two girls faces as they watch their husbands dance around happily with their kids. Standing up Emma begins to wander off to examine the park grounds. Her feet sink into the thick layer of snow slightly leaving a trail to follow. The wind brushes past her as she steps onto a lower ground where she could have sworn a lake used to sit during the spring. Brushing off the unsure feeling she continues down the path her feet placed firmly on the ground. Cracking rings in the air hitting her ears like a sickening blow as if telling her she should have listened to her gut. As she begins to back track the ice suddenly breaks away causing the girl to scream as she is dropped into the ice cold water.

It begins to soak into her clothes as they cling to her restricting her movement. The hole she had fallen in begin to grow father away as she sinks down. A scream leaves her chapped lips attempting to break through the surface. A hand reaches out to her. Turning her head clouded grey eyes stare at her. She screams out in surprise and pushes away from the frozen body beside her. 

As she looks around it dawns on her she's surrounded by the decaying things. A splash echoes in the water as a shadowy figure grows closer. Sarah. Her best-friend is growing closer. Sarah grabs Emma and pulls her up not acknowledging the bodies. As she is pulled out of the water by their loving husbands the cops arrive. An ambulance take the girl to warm her and check her over. Emma stares at the hole where she had once been sinking. The images of the bodies burned into her skull like a brand on a cow. 

"What's wrong, mommy?" Her four year-old twins ask her. She forces a smile and pulls her attention to the twin girls.

"Nothing." She forces out. They nod and hug her tightly. Tommy takes the kids and passes them off to his wife.

"What's wrong?" He asks his brunette cousin.

"Bodies. There's bodies in the bottom of the lake Tommy." She spits out as warm tears pool in her eyes.

"What are you talking about Em?" He questions the girl in concern.

"There are frozen bodies in there. I'm not crazy. I saw them." She spits out now angered at the fact that he doesn't believe her. Sighing heavily Tommy walks over to a cop. The black haired woman walks over.

"Miss. You said you saw frozen bodies when you were in the water?" She asks in a thick African accent. I nod my head yes and pull my knees up to my chest.

"They were everywhere." She whispers to the woman. Nodding she walks away from Emma. Luke walks over and pulls his wife into a hug mumbling that he loved her so much and never wanted to lose her.

"Mommy we're tired." The blonde haired girl says to her mother. 

"Alright. Go get Lexi and we'll head home." Emma smiles tiredly to the girl. She nods and runs off to retrieve her sister. The two families walk off and head to their homes down the road.
Emma stares at the television with wide eyes as the cop from earlier that week stands on the news.

"It seems that pond floor has been covered with the bodies of the missing children from the past few months. They were all killed recently in a horrible way. We think the killer disposed of the bodies in the lake just before it froze over. It seems our Frozen killer has resurfaced. We warn you not to open the door to anyone offering ice cream. It's how he lures his victims out." She says before the TV is turned off by Luke. Emma looks up to him with tears in her eyes. Without saying a word he pulls her into his chest. There is a sudden bang on the door causing the five foot three girl to jump in surprise.

"Who is it?" Luke calls out while walking to the door.

"The ice cream man."

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