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Heels slam harshly against the tiled floor of the halls. Eyes bore into the girl as she makes her way through the crowd. Her hands shoved in her pockets. The smooth leather rubs against the fingerless gloves that cover her hands. Mutters fill the air though the girl can't hear it do to the blaring music in her ears blocking out the sound of the everything around her.  The girl's black, kinky curls bounce with each step she takes. Just as she shoves her bag into her locker a hand is placed on her should making her jump. She swings around to spot the angered face of her principal. Sighing softly she pulls her headphones off before returning her hands to her pockets.

"What?" Her voice is cold and harsh as she speaks to the greying, middle aged, brunette.

"Take off that jacket. This second." She snarls angrily. The caramel, sun kissed skinned girl rolls her eyes as she tugs off her jacket shoving it into her locker.

"Get to class." The brown eyed girl slams her locker shut harshly before moving for her morning class. Her day is spent with nothing happen. Everyone avoided her. Muttered about the death of her brother. The girl payed no mind to it as she kept on with her day. Few people had addressed the white wording on her black and grey flannel.


A phrase the girl had been all to familiar with. It was first introduced to her when her cousin's life had been taken. She was four when her life had been changed. Her cousin was killed by someone who was supposed to protect everyone. Now, here she was living through it a second time. Now fully capable of understanding what the words truly meant. Now fully capable of feeling the utter hatred for those protectors.

"Amai!" Stopping in her tracks Amai looks to the source of her name. Her violet haired best friend is quick to join her side.

"Are you coming to March tomorrow night?" The girl's thick Hispanic accent rolls off her tongue as she speaks.

"Yeah. The funeral's in the morning. Don't forget to come." Amai responds with ease. Ellie. One if the people who continued to speak with her after the "accident" as everyone was calling it. Amai and Ellie knew different. The two girls knew all to well that it was no accident.

"I'll be there. Anything I should bring?" Amai shakes her head slightly. As the girls exit the school building the two part going their separate ways until tomorrow.

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