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Darkness fills the quiet house. The only sounds heard droplets hitting the floor and the pouring rain. White eyes stare at the large wooden door as the purple haired girl awaits her her roommate. A growl pierces the silence. Rustling is head as the white eyes look up to the ceiling before vanishing from sight. 

"Soon my pet. Soon." A soft voice fills the air. The white eyes snap back to the door as the sound of a car pulling into the driveway is heard. A large, twisted grin forms on her red painted lips. A creaking sound fills the air as the front door is pushed open.

"I'm back!" A voice fills the air. Silence follows in steps of the warning. 

"Must be asleep." the tired voice fills the air. A heavy sigh follows suit as shoes hit the smooth, wooden floor. Suddenly bright light swarms the room. 

"Welcome back." The soft voice of the white eyed girl hums. Her roommate stumbles back screaming in fear.

"What seems to be the matter?" Purple hair blocks her vision slightly as she tilts her head to the right.

"Wold. Blood. You. AAAAAAAH!" A shrill scream leaves the black haired girl's voice after stumbling over her words.

"Shh. You'll wake Tommy." The white eyed girl places a wet finger to her lips. 

"Wh-What did you do?" Her roommate manages to spit out. The wet finger slides down her lips leaving a trail of red in its path.

"I had to get rid of the bad people." She hums standing up. A loud clatter fills the air. The black haired girl jumps in surprise. Her brown eyes land on the once silver blade that now lays in front of the once white wolf. 

"Amanda?" The white eyed girl questions.

"Where were you last night?" She hums walking closer to the girl. 

"M-Me. I um. I was with my cousin!" She spits out in urgency while attempting to back away from her crazed roommate.

"Why are you lying?" The white eyed girl asks crouching in front of Amber. Her ghostly white eyes stare at the girl as if she was a lioness hunting her prey.

"W-What?" Amanda asks with tear filled eyes.

"You were with Tucker. Wasn't she?" The demon like girl raises a head from the ground. Her painted hands hold a mop of stained black hair. Amanda cries out loudly at the sight of Tucker's head in her roommates hands.

"I'm sorry Skyler. I'm so sorry. I'm a horrible friend and roommate. Please forgive me!" Amanda cries loudly. 

"You lied to me." Skyler hisses to her roommate. Grabbing the girl's neck she forces her onto the ground. Her crazed eyes bore into the girl's soul as she puts pressure down on her windpipe cutting off her air supply. 

"You lied to me." Skyler repeats as if she was a broken record. Amber soon stops struggling. Skyler stands from the limp girl and smiles. 

"Do you want her leg?" She questions looking to the stairs where a girl sits beside a smaller red stained wolf. 

"No." She shakes her head while licking the warm, sticky, crimson liquid from her fingers.

"This won't stain will it?"


So quick PSA this is a test run for a possible story. I'm not sure if I want to do it yet or not. I'm sorry for not posting sooner. There's a lot going on home right now. Everything's just really crazy. I will try to get more out. So long for now. ~Spirit

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