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The shadows lure over the sleeping child like a sickening weight as she pulls the small stuffed animal to her chest. The hot tears roll down her cheeks burning to delicate flesh that covers the pulsing muscles underneath. She whimpers as there are screams from outside the door. Her father's deep voice rings around the mansion easing the girl's fears slightly. That is until a winged creature barges through her door. The three headed dog snarls at the man as he steps into the room. The black animal lowers it's body to the ground growling angrily warning the creature to back away.

"Lucile." The voice is calm and soft as it talks to the little girl.

"Come with me. I will protect you from him." The soft voice speaks now stepping into the light revealing the angel. Lucile screams in horror at the distorted creature. It's bright blonde hair causes her eyes to burn as it's bright blue eyes stare at her in confusion. The large white wings hang on it's back. A familiar face blocks the girl's view from the disturbing creature. Her long blonde hair blows at the wind that sweep over the room from the fading flames.  

"Lilith!" She cries happily to the never aging woman who has protected the girl her whole life. 

"Hush now Lucile. I'm here now. No one will harm you princess." She smiles gently to me. I hug her tightly. She snaps her head into the direction of the angel as she sets the small girl beside the large black dog. Lilith's black hair flows behind her as she steps to block the girl. 

"You won't be laying a hand on her. Now take your leave." She orders the man.

"Not a chance." He smiles sweetly to the woman. 

"Cerberus. Take Lucile to her father. Leave him to me." She orders the multi-headed animal. Nodding Cerberus grabs the small girl and jumps out the window in search of the dark lord himself. Lilith turns her attention the angel.

"Catch me." She giggles happily vanishing as flames swarm her. Growling the angel spreads his wings and flies out the window in search of the demon. He spots her on a building that is surrounded by blue flames. He enters the ring unknowingly of what he just engaged himself in. Lilith giggles evilly as she lands on the roof. Reaching behind him he pulls a sword from it's sheath. 

"Play time children." She gives the angel an evil smile as the building begins to shake harshly. The windows shatter in while the cement and metal crack tearing the building apart. Demons begin to emerge from the blue flames cackling loudly.

"Mother!" They all sing to the black haired demon that sits at their lords right hand side. Cerberus rushes through the bloodied streets with the princess on his back. The girl begins to breathe heavily as panic sinks in. Her eyes watch the people of the underworld fall like flies while trying to fend off the heavenly creatures. A small girl around her age is crying loudly as an angel carries her away from her parents.

"NO!" She cries loudly. Discarding the orders Lilith had given her she lunges off the dogs back dropping in front of the angel. She lets out a loud scream the reverberates in her throat. The angel drops the girl and stumbles back covering her ears as her long blonde hair falls from it's ponytail. She continues to scream sending all the angels in a six hundred mile radios into a shock and pain. The demon child quickly scurries behind the girl for protection. As Lucile's voice dies down she turns to Cerberus with a stern look.

"Take her somewhere safe." She order the dog. A whine leaves the three heads all at once.

"That's an order." She growls in the same dark tone as her father. Nodding Cerberus takes the girl leading her to safety. Lucile lets her black wings spread out. She is slowly lifted off the ground before she continues to her father.

"Daddy!" The five year old girl cries dropping beside him. The angelic man looks to his daughter pulling her in for a hug.

"Are you alright?" He questions her. She nods as she curls her wings into her back. 

"Daddy, what's going on?" She asks him as the panic begins to set in once again. It weighs down on her like a sickening pain. 

"The angels are attacking. They're after you." he explains calmly to the girl causing the panic in her system to rise. 

"Why?" She questions in a whisper.

"Because you aren't like them or us. You're different." He tells her simply. Nodding she looks ahead of her where demons swarm a building.

"He got into my room. Ms. Lilith told Cerberus bring me to you. I ordered him to help a girl in need." He nods and turns his attention to the angels that grow closer.

"Are you prepared to fight?" The fallen angel asks his daughter. She nods eagerly as her large black wings unfold.

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