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RAPE, TORTURE, and ABUSE IS USED in this story. If you are triggered by any of the previously stated I urge you to skip over and NOT read. If you choose to read please do so AT YOUR OWN RISK.

The darkness clouds Rose's vision as her eyes dance around the surrounding area attempting to search for something to break her ropes with. Her wrists begin to burn as she struggles to break free from her bounds. A loud clang causes the blonde to freeze. She lifts her head causing her bangs to fall against her face covering her right eye. Feet pound on the ground. The steps echoing around the room like a sickening warning for the girl to run. If only she could. A hand grips her jaw as the lights flicker on. Above her stands the brown haired male she had once fallen for. 

"Let me go Jax. Please." She pleads with him.

"Not a chance baby girl." Jax smiles evilly to the girl before shoving her head to the left. She huff loudly as her hair falls against her face once again. Feet pound on the cement floor again causing the girl to snap her eyes in the direction. Jax is walking over to a table that is decorated in various tools. Jax runs his fingers along them lightly before smiling as he lifts up a screw driver. Panic begins to rise in the girls throat as her head pounds with fear. Wriggling around she begins to plead for her ex to stop this madness. None of the words seem to reach through to him. 

Slowly walking over to the girl he straddles her legs and runs the rusted screw driver down her arm starting at he shoulder. Reaching her hand he raises the worn tool and slams it into her hand. Rose screams out in pain as tears pool in her brown eyes. 

"Please." She whimpers after her screaming fit. Ignoring her whimpers Jax slams the screw driver into her other hand. Rose screams once again throwing her head back.

"Why are you doing this?" She questions as he walks back to the table. Jax laughs loudly at the idiotic words that had just spilled out of her mouth. 

"Why am I doing this?!" He shouts angrily back at the love of his life. Rose flinches back at the sound.

"You need to be punished. Running around with those other men." He sneers at the girl. Tear roll down her bruised cheeks. She chokes back sobs while staring Jax in the eyes.

"You've hurt me baby doll. Hurt me a lot. Whoring around isn't something you should do when you have a boyfriend." He hisses while turning back to the table. Jax mumbles to himself while searching for the perfect tool to make the girl see just how much he cares for her.

"You have to feel the pain I felt." He hums while holding up the sleek tool to the light. Nodding Jax turns back to Rose. She squirms eagerly trying to break free of her restraints. To no avail. Jax crouches down in front of the girl and kneels on her feet keeping Rose from kicking him. Lifting her shirt slightly Jax shoves the brand new, untouched pliers into her stomach right where her uterus would sit. Rose cries out in pain fr the third time. Tears begin to stream faster than before. For a different reason this time. Jax has now taken everything Rose could possibly ever want. Her chance to have kids is gone. 

"Now that I've fixed one problem time to fix another." Jax hums dropping the pliers beside Rose's feet. He stands up and walks over to the table. Rose manages to spot a large red thread that Jax is attempting to thread through a needle. Once successful in doing so Jax ties Rose's legs down and lifts her skirt. He pulls the black laced underwear down her long, slim legs. Realizing what her plans to Rose begins to scream and beg him to stop. Ignoring her pleads he pierces her skin and begins to pull the needle through each part of her flesh stitching her lower region close. Roe screams loudly from the pain before black dots cloud her vision. Noticing her about to black out Jax stops leaving the needle halfway through her soft flesh. Grabbing a water bottle he pours the clear liquid over her face causing the blonde teenager to jolt up with wide eyes.

"You can rest once we're finished. I promise. But, for now you have to stay awake." He smiles sweetly at the girl. Fear swarms in her stomach as her head spins. Jax returns to the needle and continues to stitch her core closed. After ten minute he is successfully finished. The only thing the teen girl is able to feel is pain and hatred for the boy and what he has done to her. No longer having the strength to fight she goes limp in the chair.

"Now for the rest of your punishment." Jax purrs to the girl while unzipping his jeans and pulling his hard shaft from his jeans. Whimpering, Rose shrinks away from Jax as much as she can. Jax unties the girl quickly and turns her around forcing her rear into the air. As he pushes the back of her skirt up he begins to massage his shaft with a large grin. Rose begins to panic as her stomach clenches in fear and nausea. 


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