1312 prt 2

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Amai stands beside the small group of friends she had gathered over the discord server. Ellie snacks her him the only sound to fill the air as everyone preps for the March.

"You alright?" She was tired of the question. She had been asked the question since the death of her cousin. It had only continued over the years. Starting with the hardworking teen continuing To her best-friend now to her big brother. Her guardian, protector, friend. He had been there for her whole life. When her dad left then came back as a drunk then left again. When her first boyfriend raped and beat her. The white boy who played her to keep her mouth shut. The deal she accepted so her mother could pay the mortgage and her big brother could pay for college.

All the way to the popular girl who had turned her into the school whore. A rumor she accepted. She was tired of the question. It annoyed her to hear. How was she supposed to respond? I'm fine? It'll pass? I'll get over it? She could tell them what they wanted to hear. The hopeful lies that they'll keep with them until the next death? She could be honest just for them to worry for her and continue to repeat the question. The girl had lost responses to give. The truth was she was barely hanging on. She couldn't care less what anyone had to say about her or do. She could barely care if she died. Her mother no longer cared.

Her pride and joy was dead.

"Amai?" Ellie calls for the girl's attention.

"As fine as you can be when you lost the only person who truly gave a shit about you your whole life." Amai retorts with ease. Ellie gives a small nod as she looks to the middle aged woman leading the March.

"Come on. It's starting." Ellie drags the girl to the front of the line.  As the March begins the chanting soon follows suit. Names being shout followed by the familiar phrase 1312. Then another name followed by All Cops Are Bastards  or  Black Lives Matter. The girl thrusts her wrist into the air as she shouts the names and phrases along with everyone. The white numbers Poppin out against her dark skin. 1312 sprawled on her wrist in white letters with blood dripping from them. She had gotten it a week after the attack. She was tired. She wanted this... Everything to end. She didn't want to fight. She just wanted it to...



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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