Rose was set up on bunks in a area for woman. Given a few clean clothes and a meal she felt grateful. No pure souls here the smell of sin was strong but still not as strong as the smell of it from outside.
So she felt mortal ish , hunger warmth etc etc but still had the Sense and maybe even abit of magic left. Lying there in the bunks thinking about what to do next.
3 souls for the price of freedom.
That's a whole other sin. Lust had been hers but never blood lust.
Maybe she'd get a job and live mortal forever hiding from Valintine and The big D . Hell knows no bounds tho they will find her . Inless she could find a place with protection spells. So she'd need a white witch then blood born.
How does one find a witch in this era? Do you ask , Sniff one out .With a plan forming she drifted off into the dream realm.
The Big D tapped his long finger nails on the arm of his throne.
"Rose you displease me" he wispears .
With a click of his fingers. Her dress catches fire the fire melts the fabric clinging to her skin sizzling and popping as she's engulfed in the fires of hell.Rose wakes suddenly covered in sweat. Standing over her is a petite blonde woman looking concerned.
"Gez what a dream huh Ya screamed the place down loud enough to wake the dead"
Mumbling a lazy sorry she picked up her old clothes and set off to find a witch.
It was long before she came to a small store advertising Tarot card readings. Upon entering she felt the strong magic surrounding the place.
Greeted by a kindly elderly lady she felt hopeful for the first time in a long time."Hello my dear I see you need help, I had a dream about you last night and you've upset alot of people. It's not too late to right your wrong if you return now."
Wrong kind of witch.
The hair on her arms tingled and raised as magic sparked in the air.
The witches eyes rolled back in her head her mouth grew wider and wider intill all her black teeth were visible. Her voice dark and deep started mumbling magic summoning words and Rose new at once that she was calling upon demons.
The energy in the room shifted intill the elderly woman glowed with dark magic crackling off her finger tips. A portal begun to form.
Rose went to turn and run when too arms engulfed her. In a blaze of white light she was teleported right out of the shop.
Valintine had come to collect his souls.
Romance is dead
ParanormalRose is a sexy Ex Succubus doing her time in Hell . Fed up with things at the Strip club The Angry Beaver and the Afterlife in general , she makes a deal with the angel Valintine .