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     Lisa was walking through the halls of their elegant office.. Everyone eyes were on her. And her little child Leo.. Who walks beside his mother walking cutely.he got his mother features.. Except for her cat like eyes.. Of her father.

      " Mom, I want to see dad .now.. "Leo said looking at his mother.

   "Baby, she is in a meeting.u have to wait fr ur dad till it ends"..lisa replied.

   Leo frowned he wants to meet his dad since he won the medal for his excellence in maths subject.. He was so excited to show this to her.

    They made their way to jennie's room and lisa pick up her son and made him to sit on the couch comfortably..

       Leo was a good, active energetic kid like her mom.. And savage like his dad jen.

      Lisa looks at her son who is patiently waiting fr his dad arrival.. She smiled and went to him she made him sit on her lap facing her..

     "Leo, do u wanna play?" She asked brushing his hair..

     " No,mommy I want to show my medal to dad... But she was so busy.. Mom, please call dad to come soon". He said pouting.

   Lisa found her son cute and kissed him on his pouting lips

     "I think the meeting came to an end baby. She will be here in any minute" she said.

   " Really? Yay"..

She nodded. And hugged him.. Leo was embraced in her mothers chest cutely..


      Suddenly the door opened revealing jennie.. Lisa look at her hubby who is so pissed right now.. Because of her meeting..

      "I told u mr. Cho that I didn't want this deal yet how dare they to come here and asking for more percentage. It's a no deal,cho. Do wt I say.. Or else I'm gonna fire u.". Jennie said hastily made her p.a tremble with fear.


     Lisa and Leo both looked at her way.. Jennie didn't notice that her son and wife waiting for her.

     Leo face was pale because he knows that his dad was not in a good mood.. He felt afraid to talk.

      "Will do. Mrs. Kim" Mr. Cho said leaving the room.

  Jennie took a glance and then she saw her wife with her son..

    " Lisa? When did u came here"? she asked in surprise.

     "Umm.. It's been an hour... Honey.. Leo wants to meet u". She replied.

     Jennie looks at Leo who Is still doubting to tell her or not.

    "Oh, is that so? Leo come here".. Jennie said.

      Leo hop out from his mother's lap and Walk towards jen.

       She took her son in her arms and put him on the table..

    " So, Leo. Why are u here baby? Why do u want to meet me.?".

She asked her son holding his hands

    "Dad, I want to show u something" he said somewhat excitedly.

     "Really? What is that baby?" She asked him.

    He opened his little arms and showed her the medal that he won in school today.

     "Daddy, I won this in my maths excellency test".

     Leo said handling that to jennie.

    Jennie felt so proud of her son.
She immediately hugs her son so tight and showered him with kisses... Leo giggles..

   "Ahh... Stop it... Dad.. It tickles.."

"Is it?".. "Then I'll tickle u more".. She said.. And tickles him.again .

      "Haha.. Dad.. Leave.. Mom..tell dad to stop"... Leo said in a complaining tone..

     "Honey, leav him". Lisa said picking his son from the table.

  "Thanks mom", Leo said and kissed Lisa.

     "Dad, I want u to buy me that Buzz Lightyear toy".. Leo commanded.

Lisa smiled because he got that savageness from  jennie.. And it fired back to her again.. She thought.

      "As u wish my little boy" jen said bowing in a funny way..

   " Mom.. I need to pee".. Leo said with that he run to the bathroom.

      Jen grabbed Lisa by the waist,kisssing her lips so hungrily. Thn pulled away panting.lisa blushing so hard

   " I lov u baby, lili.." Jennie said heartfully looking at her eyes.

      "I love u too nini". Lisa said smiling.

    "Thank u for giving me this beautiful child.. I'm so proud of our son".. Jen said resting her chin on her shoulder.

       "I'm also proud, honey.. But u know what? One thing he didn't get from u"..

  "Huh, what is it?" jen asked her.

"He is a genius in math.. But not like u who hate maths.. That you even skipped classes to get rid of the subject".. Lisa said chuckling.

"Lisa...!!" She was about to grab her wrist again. But then Leo came running towards his mother hugging her so tight.

Jennie just looked at her and smiled inside to have this beautiful family she ever wished for.

     She hugged her son and wife... As they embraced in jen's hug.

   Jennie thanked God so many times.. For giving her Lisa and Leo..

    They are her everything...

Jenlisa - One Shots {Completed} (editing) Where stories live. Discover now