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      "Hey Jennie, aren't u tired?" Jisoo asked looking at jennie.

" Huh? Tired of what?" Jennie looks confused.

      "U know what iam talking about jendeukie, it's been a year since u asked lisa to be ur girlfriend but she never spared a glance at u.

    She never even recognized u. Why are u still following everywhere she goes".

     Jennie sighed.

    "I can't stop unnie, I can't stop thinking abt her, I love her unnie that's all I can say".

     Jennie didn't say much. She knows that Lisa never talked to her,always avoids her. She even treated badly by her friends. But jen didn't care she only wanted Lisa.. She can do anything for her.

   "  It's not going to happen jen, she is already in love with Jungkoook" .

    Jennie eyes widen in shock

"I dnt wanted to tell u this, but seeing u being crazy for her like this made me do this jen. I saw her with him yesterday at the movie.. She was so happy and his hands was on her waist".

      Jennie dnt know what to say. She left dumbfounded.

     Jisoo hugged her to calm her. But jennie didn't utter a single word.

     She pulled out from the hug and left the house.

     Jisoo was so worried abt her. But she can't help it. She knows she need time to think and digest the news she heard.

       After sometime jisoo called her mother to ask if Jennie is home or not. She thanked God that her mom told her that she came and already went to her room to sleep.

  "  I hope u will be alright jennie "Jisoo thought.


     The next day at University

     Lisa was waiting for Jungkook , he said he will pick up her in time but he was late as always.

    She called kookie so many times but he didn't lift the call.

      She is getting late for her presentation in the class. Clock is ticking. At that time she saw jennie  was bringing her car from the garage.

    She wanted to ask jen to drop her.

     But she thought it won't be a gud idea. But she shrugged it off her thoughts and went to Jennie.

    Jen noticed her presence and looked at her. Her heart beats madly when she saw her.

      But she remained calm since she was someone's already. Or as she thought 😉


    " Yes Lisa, do u need anything?" she asked casually .

        Lisa can easily say that there is a a slight change in her voice.

     "Umm, remember I had to give a presentation today I'm late coz Jungkook wasnt in time".

   Lisa said looking at jennie.

     As soon as she hears that name. She felt sad. But she put it away.. And smiled at her.

    " It's okay, I will drop u if u are OK with it". She said waiting for her reply.

     "Yeah, I really want a ride now.". She said.

     Jennie opens the door Fr her to hop in.

     Lisa sat in and jen drove off.

      They reached in time. The whole journey was filled with Jennie fav songs. Jen never spoke to Lisa.

      Lisa was really worried that jen was not like before. Her eyes shows no emotion.

     Yes, she was worried coz she is in love with Jennie too. No one knows abt it except her. She always rejected jennie because of her dad. Her dad didn't like this kind of relationship. She thought her father will accept her no matter what but she was wrong.


Lisa was drawing jennie picture, on her drawing book. She loves to draw.. Infact she loves jennie more than anything. It's been so many months jennie asked her to be her girlfriend but she just don't want to go to her easily she thought of teasing her. But she decided to accept her today. But when her dad suddenly comes into her room and saw her writing something under the Jennie's drawing.

   "  My handsome oppa... I love u" .

    he immediately teared that drawing.

   " Appa!! Please stop it, don't do that.".. Lisa begged not to tear that picture of jennie.

      But he didn't listen, he even burned it into ashes.

   Lisa cried so hard falling on her knees.

     "Why dad? Why?"

"If u ever talk with her, or accept her then u will see what iam capable of. U can never able to see her again. Mind it".. He said and left the room.

     Lisa still crying she took the unburned picture of her.

   "  I'm sorry my love, I don't want anything happen to u. Coz I can't live without u.. If anything happens to u because of my father I won't forgive myself".. She says to herself  as she put that picture at her heart

    End of flashback.

   " Lisa! Lisa!" .


  "Get down. We r already here". Jen said as she opens the door for her again.

    Still she's not looking at lisa. Both hearts were aching. It's so hard for both of them to be like this.

      " I will go now" jen said as she was about to leave.

    " Uh... O.. K..."

Please don't leave

  Jisoo came in shouting towards her.

     " Hey, gud Mng jendeukie"..  She said panting.

"Gud Mng unni, why are u running?"

      "  Irene is looking for you "

     Irene, she likes jennie so much. But she knew jennie only love lisa .

      Since Lisa wasn't paying any attention to her. These two become very close but in jen pov she is only a friend.

   " Oh, OK let's go to her unni" jen said.

    Lisa really felt jealous. But she can't do anything about it.

   "  Umm.. Jennie.."

Lisa called her. Jennie hear that and looked back at her. As she was about to go to her that's when kookie came into the scene and kisses Lisa on her lips made jennie frozen on her pace. A tear left  her eyes.

"If u r happy with him then I'll let u go.. Ur happiness is mine".

Hey guyzz.. So how do u like my new chapter.. Huhuhuhu... Plz don't frgt to vote and comment.. Wts ur thoughts on this one.. Do I hv to write part 2?... Choose it.. I'm waiting... Hehe..

   Jenlisa is real and always superior.

Jenlisa - One Shots {Completed} (editing) Where stories live. Discover now