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Jen : Lisa, where are you?

Jisoo : she's with chae. Wae? What do you want?

Jen : it's an emergency!!!!

Jisoo : what happened?

Jen : first call Lisa.

Jisoo : just tell me what happened jendeuk

Jen : I told you it's an emergency

Jisoo : Aishh, okay fine.

Jisoo : * calling chae *

Chae : hey unni

Jisoo : come to our dorm fast.

Chae : wae?

Jisoo : it's an emergency!!

Chae : what? What happened unni? You okay?

Jisoo : IDK, just come fast, Lisa is with you right?

Chae : yeah, okay then we are coming.

Jisoo : they will be here in any minute and please tell me what's wrong jen? What's that emergency?

Jen : jisoo don't talk please, it's really a big problem..

Jisoo : the fuck is wrong with you? It's really hard for me to understand you.

* Chaelisa arrives *

Lisa : unni, what happened? You said that it was an emergency. What is it?

Jisoo : it's not about me, it's jennie.

Chae : what happened to her?

Jisoo : don't ask me. It's an emergency

Chae : what's with this emergency thing?

Lisa : what happened to her?

Jen : Lisa!!!!!!!!

Jen approaches lisa and she looks at her worriedly..

Lisa : nini, what happened to you? Are you okay?

Jisoo : at least now Lisa's here. Tell me what's the emergency jennie!!!

Jennie : nothing, it's just I have blue balls so I need to fuck Lisa.. That's why. Hehehheheh

She said and took Lisa with her to the room

Chaesoo : * shocks*

        Jennie rocks!!!!


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