Jenlisa 3rd anniversary

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Nini.. Lisa called Jennie as she caressed her cheek gently not to wake her up.

It's been three days jen got fever and the younger one was worried alot and didn't left her room to take care of her.

Jennie got shivered with the touch and slurred a bit.

Nini, how you feeling right now? Lisa asked her lowly.

Jennie opened her eyes slowly and looked at her gf who wears a worried expression on her face. She looks like she didn't slept well.

I'm okay baby, it's just I'm feeling weak. She said looking at her eyes adoringly.

You should eat honey. You didn't eat anything at all since morning. Please baby, don't be stubborn. I can't see you like this. I love how you'll tease me with your words and actions and annoys me. But now, I'm feeling alone. And I'm so worried about you. Lisa said as she was tearing up.

Jennie sat up a bit and leaned her head to relax and she pulled Lisa into a hug which made her to Lisa to hide her head in the crook of her neck.

Baby, it's just a fever. And don't be worried. I'll be alright. I'm hungry too. But I'll only eat if you feed me. Jennie said with aegyo made Lisa pinch her waist.

Ouch!! Baby I'm hungry. She said with a pout.

Behave Nini. She said with her brow up which made Jennie chuckle.

Why are you laughing? Lisa asked her as she crossed her arms on her chest.

You look like a fuming little tiger. She said and burst out into laugh.

Yahhh!! She shouted and she was about to hit her she stopped knowing that Jennie is still sick.

Okay I'm sorry baby. Now feed me ah!! Jennie said as she opened her mouth.

Lisa sighed and took the plate from the night stand and put it on her lap.

She made some chicken soup for her.

Wow, it looks delicious. Jennie exclaimed.

Don't talk! just eat this. She said which made Jennie nod.

She opened her mouth again and Lisa feed her a spoonful of soup after blowing it to lessen the hotness.

Daebak baby!!! You are really a great cook. Jennie said as she felt the taste of the soup savouring her mouth.

Lisa cheeks turn red and she feed another spoon to her and another until it finished.

Jennie didn't allowed to talk Coz Lisa say so. If not, she won't eat but talk which will make her more sick.

Very good my Nini. She said as she cleaned her lips with a tissue.

I know I'm good. But you are more good than me,beautiful. Jennie said as her eyes stared at Lisa's lips.

She wants to kiss her so badly but she's sick. So she can't do anything even if she's horny.

Lisa stood up to go to the kitchen which made Jennie pout again.

Honey, you are pouting too much these days. Lisa said chuckling.

Wae? Am I not cute? She asked cutely to her.

No, you're not. Lisa said made Jennie frown.

Okay, I'm not cute. She said as she layed back on the bed and covered herself all over with the duvet.

Jenlisa - One Shots {Completed} (editing) Where stories live. Discover now