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I ran about a mile or so down the road, breathing hard screaming for the horse. His name was Junie. I saw another house a little bit further down the road and sighed in relief when I saw Junie stop at a grassy patch right in front of it. I ran into the yard and grabbed the reigns on Junie's neck, whisper-yelling about how he should never run away again. 

That's when I noticed a man standing on the porch of the house. He had a dark leather-like material wrapped his mouth. His hair was messy and he was bulky. I felt like I should apologize for the run away horse. When I didn't move he walked down the steps, staying maybe ten feet away from me. I cleared my throat, "The thunder scared him, I am sorry he got away from me so quickly." he didn't say anything but I approached him, Junie's reigns tight in my hand. 

"I'm Winnie." I said, sticking out my hand. He grunted and shook my hand. "Thomas." I nodded and smiled a bit, nervous about the size difference. He was giant, my head only came up to his shoulders and barely that. "I just moved in down the road, my uncle use to live there." I said, trying to fill the void of silence. He nodded. "Okay well I should probably get back then, it was nice meeting you Thomas." I said, climbing onto Junie's back and whipping the reigns so he would move. He began sprinting away and I looked over my shoulder to meet eyes with Thomas one more time. His eyes never left me. 

Thomas's POV

She walked up to me and stuck her hand out. I could see her shaking, "I'm Winnie." she said. Her voice was timid but strong and sweet. What was someone like her doing here? She got on her horse and began riding away. I couldn't help but want her to stay with me, it was so lonely. She looked at me one more time before she disappeared down the hill on the road. Then she was gone. 

Winnie's POV

I got back to the house and put Junie in his stall. I went back in the house and began unpacking. I couldn't help but think of the man I met just moments ago. He was strange and intimidating but something about him made me want to go back. Maybe I would have to eventually. 

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