[4] Fat Thor

338 6 28

The fuck was that?! Okay tbh it was hilarious! Thor drinking beer and playing video games is the best thing ever.

Most of those Thor stans liked him because of his good looking body.
I guess they wanted to show the fans that he's also struggling and he's not perfect because he looks like a God / is a God.

Maybe they also want to focus on Carol as the strongest Avenger now. I mean Thor has been the most powerful character since the beginning of the Avengers. Now it's time for him to step back and maybe to settle down.


did you like this version of Thor?
[me: first I was like "ok wtf" but then I  liked it]

Thor or Carol?
[me: Carol my love]

Mjölnir (his old hammer) or Jarnbjorn (the battle axe)?
[me: both]

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