Chapter Nine: The Truth

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Chapter Nine: The Truth

*Seer's POV*

With shaking hands, I opened the door to my TARDIS and walked out. The Necromancer was there, black eyes blazing with hatred and insanity. "Are you ready, Seer? Are you ready to die again?" A twisted smile tore across his features like an open wound. I shuddered at the animalistic look in my brother's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Tren." I whispered, a tiny sob cracking my voice. "I've regretted it every day of my life. I am ready to pay for what I did." I lowered my head in defeat and submission.

I could hear the Necromancer's power crackling around him as he prepared to suck the life from me. Just as he was about to strike, I heard the Doctor's TARDIS materialize behind me. Despite myself, I could feel myself begin to smile. The Necromancer's hand dropped to his side in shock. "The Doctor? He came to rescue you?"

My brother stuck his head out of the TARDIS door, looking a little nervous. "Hello, little brother. Heard that you were going to kill little Trellya here, and I decided to pop by. What do you say, Ponds?" He glanced at his companions, who looked a little groggy from being knocked out.

Amy blinked heavily and stared at the sight of my defeated form and the intimidating young man in front of me. "I think we should get her back alive. And the Master. too." She added as an afterthought.

My twin snapped his gaze to me. "You told them to come."

I felt myself go pale. "Wh-what? N-n-no, I d-don't know what you're-"

"YOU'RE LYING!" He roared, striking me harshly across the face. I felt my body collapse to the ground. "YOU'RE LYING AGAIN! STILL, AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, YOU STILL LIE TO ME!!" He kicked me in the ribs, and I cried out in pain.

The Doctor ran over, eyes wide and horrified. "Tren! Stop, stop! How could you do this to your sister?"

Tren stopped and slowly turned to look at Theta, face cold. "She stopped being my sister the moment she handed me over to Rassilon for experimentation." He spat.

"W-what?" My poor brother stammered in shock. He stared at me, begging for an explanation.

The Necromancer's lips twisted into a sick smile. "Go on, sister. Tell them what you did- tell them how you abandoned me with those monsters, and when you found out what they were doing, kept letting them do it."

I slowly sat up, wincing in pain and wiping a dribble of blood from my mouth, my ginger hair stuck to my face. "You know that when Tren looked into the Vortex he went mad, gained powers. He could control life and death. You know how I became something of a therapist for him, and how I wanted to help him in any way possible. But as my visions began to plague me, I had to stop helping him and start working on my own abilities. Rassilon quickly learned of me, the Time Lord with the ability to see the future. He began to mentor me.

He helped me so much, and I thought that maybe he could help Tren too. So I told him what Tren could do, and Rassilon was very interested. He told me that the best way for my brother to get better would be to bring him to them, and he would mentor him just like he mentored me. I, being a foolish little girl, agreed. I brought him to them, and Rassilon told me that it would be safest for Tren to stay with them. I was convinced Rassilon could do no wrong, so..." I gulped, then coughed a little, and noticed the specks of blood in my hand. I had a couple broken ribs. "So I abandoned my twin, the only one who could really understand, to Rassilon."

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